All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
but not as bottomless as your envy......
Quentin Smith: Ok, look. If we survive the next 24 hours, then I'll take you out on a real date.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
bottomless envy for your even more bottomless delusion? that's bottomless vanity, too
Dr. James Wilson: Stop analysing it and just enjoy it.
House MD
not to forget your bottomless bias and excuses
Carter Webb: I'm trying to wake you up! There's a big f**ing world out there. It's messy, and it's chaotic, and it's never, it's never ever the thing you'd expect. It's ok to be scared but you cannot allow your fears to turn you into an asshole, not when it comes to the people that really love you, the people that need you.
In the Land of Women
I'd say blotty not beautiful and
ppfftt...I don't even know what a blotto scientist is..are you one? ....
Homer: Well, these seem to be in order. I'll be out back in the hammock.
The S.
I don't believe this... blotto and I'm surely not one of these
Rupert Giles: Really? I'm surprised you could hear it over your Wagnerian snoring.
sure, I use it to describe students, scientists and similar alcohol devoted people...