All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Leonard: We tried kissing but the earth didn't move. I mean any more than the 383 miles it was gonna move anyway.
The Big Bang Theory
we've all varieties of them growing in our greenhouses....and iceberg? really's the least flavourful of all. Try the Bibb, any of the endives or esp the rocket- they would jazz up your salad bowl...and did you at least use extra- virgin olive oil?
The Doctor: Oh well, it was worth a try.
Doc Who
you mentioned that salad darling (though there are worse varieties such as butterhead lettuce)...I rarely eat it anyway...prefer lamb's lettuce and others...anyway endives in such a salad is a bad choice...
Darph Bobo: Maybe you didn't try hard enough! What did he say when you asked him?
Tripping the Rift
the bitter endives are only for the brave and adventurous ...or you can just eat the inner leaves...and lamb lettuce is a good choice..try adding dried cranberries too- for colour and tartness...
Daleks: Exterminate! Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!
Doc Who
pffft I even ate them as kid, they are common here...but anyway not fitting in a Mediterranean-type salad with feta, extra virgin olive oil and lots of basil...
April Troost: I'm too beautiful .......
Law and Order: SVU
but you don't know if you haven't even tried it yet...if it doesn't work, skip the feta cheese and basil and add lightly toasted slivered almonds instead...for the crunch...
Senator Gary H. Wright: Oh I see your point being the only way to make a difference is to win every fight.
House MD
but I just want a tasteful salad, not can do it and report me the results
Map to the Stars Eddie: This town loves a winner...
Escape From LA
slivered almond- experimental? of course not....if you really wanna try experimental exotic then use slivered, deep-fried crunchy locusts with wings instead.....
Ray Elwood: And there are no winners or losers either... just those who are still around to fight another day.
Buffalo Soldiers
for a locust salad I'd invite you, with or without wings...just to test how much you enjoy experimenting.....
John Silver: Didn't your pap ever teach you to pick your fights a bit more carefully?
Treasure Planet
...well, as long as you'd wear a penguin suit and leather shoes, eat with manicured fingers and no belching while're on....
Jim Gordon: Gotta keep fighting, never stop. What I try to live by. Maybe if I had been younger I could have been like you. Always wanted to be a hero.
only if you jump out of the cake for the dessert and please without centimetres of make-up