All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
The Doctor: She goes wandering off! Parallel world; it's like a gingerbread house! All those temptations calling her.
Doctor Who
wow, my very own junk food delivery truck....thanks, but you can't be the driver cos you'd finish off all my supplies....
Rosalie Rowan: Hmm. Two kids, a stranger, a gingerbread house in the middle of nowhere. What could possibly go wrong?
The Zeta Project
and I'm anyway not your servant , but I'll sit in the deli delivery truck and select some delicacies for me
The Editor: Something's wrong. Something fictional. Those people. Security check. Go deep.
The Editor: Something is wrong. I can taste it. Tiny little shift in the information. Someone down there shouldn't be here.
Doctor Who don't know the kind of delicacies I order...those that will explode and squirt red ink if opened unauthorised....then you'd be marked.......
Captain Leo Davidson: I know. But they'd probably pry you and poke you and throw you in a cage too.
Planet of the Apes
you eat betelnuts?
Logan: Control? You know, sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry.
X-men: The Last Stand
I'm allergic to all nuts especially those from beatles.......are you gonna give us another exotic recipe for these?
Nina: Well, I have a taser.
Nina: I think we should taser him and throw him into the shark tank at Seaworld.
I guess you already tried them during one of your expeditions... perhaps you forgot it, as they're hallucinogen...
Wolfe: I have set the watch so the chemicals will ignite at nine o'clock.
Secret Service in Darkest
huh...if I did, I would've remembered it, unlike you, the selective amnesiac...besides, you can't get them from a neighborhood deli shop.....
Pinback: All right, bomb. Prepare to receive new orders.
but your ink bombs also not....and I'd anyway not eat such rubber-like animals
Barbatus: Don't make my mistake, kid. Don't follow orders your whole life. Think for yourself.
but my chocolates are not rubberlike unless they're chocolate-flavoured rubber ducks which I'll gladly give to you of see how nice I am...
Bomb #20: Hmmmm... well... I think, therefore I am.
Dark Star
but you talked about something that will explode and squirt red ink if opened unauthorised...i.e. some calamaris or is it chocolate with calamari taste?