All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Elisa Maza: If you're human, then you're subject to human laws. <draws her weapon> You're under arrest! You have the right to remain silent!
oh yeah, we barbecue them right together with your loden hut.......
Jacob Rossler: I want my lawyer.
with a what? anyway it will be a filthy issue
Carly Tenney: Dream on.
As the World Turns
ok, perhaps something like this: really like those feathers....
Alan Shore: Let me tell me two things about myself. I too am a lawyer, I can be painfully vindictive, and I do not play fair.
Boston Legal
oh you meant the german version of redneck-savage people from the we have a zoo for them...
Joan Crawford: Yeah? You're nothing but a rotten, crooked lawyer...
Mommie Dearest
which redneck savages? we don't have those- only polite, decent and highly civilised and well-bred people you can find me....
Dominique Deveraux: I hope you say that when I sue you in court for libel.
then you also wear a Lodenhut?
Alixus: Yes. But perhaps a lie can lead to a more important truth.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
I have flawless taste darling so I'd never wear a funny hat....perhaps, if we remove the feathers and put a beaver tail instead...
Capt. Vernon Rausch: You are a man who has resorted to lies and chicanery to the point of being pathological. I believe that you suffer from autosuggestion, and in an obsessive desire to win approval expressed through the need for a big story, you convince yourself that what you want to be true is true. In short... I believe your brain has turned to onion dip.
Kolchak: The Night Stalker
well that's the bavarian version of a tuque....with some aboriginal decorations...but of course every country has its own traditional decorations...
Martha Kent: Freud would say, " It's a subconscious desire in search of a context." And Jung would dismiss it as an anger induced synaptic anomaly.
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
but you've to admit that it's still a funny hat......
Dr. Hooper: What can I say, Freud was a perv.
Ally McBeal
actually I'd say it's a silly hat