All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Mrs. Vernon-Williams: Juvenile delinquents are everywhere. Right here in this community. Boys with long hair and tattoos who spit on the sidewalk. Girls who wear tight slacks. Hysterectomy pants, I call them.
nobody will do that, the survivors wait for good marks and certificates
Kaylee: Yes, sir, Cap'n Tight-Pants.
hmmm...that's what you think....
Dexter Morgan: Keep the sex suit on when you're talking to the Captain, it'll help your cause.
I know it...long-term experience...
Darden: Are you saying we gotta audition?
2 Fast 2 Furious
like the Stockholm gosh.....your students need intervention....I can take care of that......
Joey: My audition is tomorrow. Che ble blah. Me la pee! Oublah! Poo.
well a special kind of making friends...but actually it's more a ruler and subjects relationship, based on fear
Jill Tracy: So you do scary little speeches. How adorable!
but you do know where the rulers' heads usually end up.....
King George V: In the past all a King had to do was look respectable in uniform and not fall off his horse. Now we must invade people's homes and ingratiate ourselves with them. This family is reduced to those lowest, basest of all creatures, we've become actors!
The King's Speech
on a soft pillow we're not in France here...
Maggie: I'll be taking acting classes and become the next Miley Cyrus, yes I am.
Just Go With It
ppfftt...perhaps it will be sandwiched between two you better mend your "ruler" ways.....
Dr. Eric Foreman: Point is, she's not even in the trial. Never heard of her.
House MD
I'd say they are okay, revolution is done in Arabian countries and not here....and I'm anyway a fair and friendly ruler, if they do what I want...
Eris: <chuckles> Don't push your luck, Sinbad. You're cute. But not *that* cute.
Sinbad: Legend of The Seven Seas
well, they're also fair and friendly students...that's why they're at least sharpening the blade...