All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Frasier: Yes. All it takes is stealth, cunning and a key to the door.
a sacrifice to which god? The furry rodent god? and beer helps to eat weird food...
Matthew: Yeah, but this is breaking and entering.
The Girl Next Door
for my haute cuisine..and I'm the goddess.....and beer makes weird food taste weirder....
Neelix: Do you want it to say 'Intruder alert', or should we try something a little more dramatic, like 'Warning, intruder alert', or 'Intruders among us! Danger! Danger! Intruders among us!'
Star Trek Voyager
it's more rongeur cuisine.... and perhaps Canadian beer has this feature, but some of our beers are not bad for some food, especially on a hot day a cold beer is perfect...
Barney: Ted, listen, are you hearing that? That's the universe, the universe is talking to us.
How I Met Your Mother
well, I guess you're the expert on rongeur cuisine....ppfftt...and beer, by any other name, made everywhere else by anybody else in any other day.....will taste just as sucky....
The Doctor: I don't know what happened to you; but there can be any number of explanations: hallucination, telepathic communication from another race, repressed memory, momentary contact with a parallel reality - take your pick. The universe is such a strange place.
Star Trek: Voyager
you still just didn't drink the right have to try more and harder...
Pepper Potts: Have you been drinking?
Iron Man 2
ppfftt....but there is no "right" beer....
Homer: Yes, but this time I'm sober!
The S.
according to Popper you cannot claim that, except you had tried out all beers...cheers!
Stella: Collect me at home. Being sober would be a plus.
The Pacific
ppfftt...who cares what Popper falsification necessary- my word is proof enough....
Supergran: Haha, that's nothing. I haven't got a driving license, either.
Super Gran
you have the McPope infallibility? forget it, I know you too well now...
Judge: ...driving without a license, driving without insurance, not wearing a seatbelt, having no tax disc displayed, driving over the legal speed limit, driving under the influence of alcohol, allowing another person to drive your vehicle under the influence of alcohol.
Absolutely Fabulous
well, I must insist that nothing that I say is you have to trust me in this......