All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Lieutenant Tuvok: I can see why Ensign Kim finds you... compelling.
Star Trek: Voyager
Rom: <reflecting> Right... But I won't confirm it!
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
“Modesty and unselfishness: These are the virtues which men praise, and pass by.”
-Andre Maurois-
"Give me a hero who doesn’t think too much…who cares intensely about a lot of things,
but who knows he’s a dead man walking and doesn’t care a damn about that.
Death is knocking and our guy yanks open the door and says,” What kept you?”"
- Jelly from D Koontz’s Frankenstein II
(one of my favourites from the recycling bin... )
Xavier: You always have to be a pessimist, don't you? Little Miss Doom and Gloom.
The Doom Generation
Alfred Bester: You're an optimist. Thank you! I'd almost forgotten what one of your kind looked like.
Babylon 5
...gave Garak's quote a rest finally...
Max: Or a realist masquerading as a cynic who is secretly an optimist.
"Cynical? 'Cynic' is a word invented by optimists to criticize realists."
In the Ocean of Night by Gregory Benford
(it can't get any clearer than that... ...)
"Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth."
- Lillian Hellman
Austin: I'm what you call a realist - the only real thing is me.
American Cyborg: Steel Warrior