All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Toki: Why don't you take off your mask? I bet you're really handsome...
Princess Mononoke
really?? you shld really stop watching that Dexter serial crap.......
Alejandro Murrieta: He probably wears the mask to hide his bald head and unsightly features.
The Mask of Zorro
Dennis Finch: I was excused because I have brittle bones.
Just Shoot Me!
you get new ideas
George Jetson: Excuses, excuses, that's all I hear.
The Jetsons
like what? new gross pathologic techniques? ppfftt......
Sheldon Cooper: Excuse me, but the problem is not solved. If you're head had been accidentally amputated and we transplanted a dog's head in place of it, would that be problem solved?
The Big Bang Theory
no, only how to avoid the police
Terrell: Well, that's not a problem for me.
True Blood
but why do you need a tv serial to teach you this?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Uh, If we're going to do this, we're going to do it right. Scalpel.
Grey's Anatomy
well some inspiration and it's a good serial by chance
Lenny: Oscar, I think I'm gonna puke...
Shark Tale
a serial killer for inspiration? great, great...there's something wrong here... shld stick to MacGyver....
Jessica Hamby: Eww! Gross!
True Blood
that's your favourite, I knew it I guess Dexter would like to slaughter those annoying 80s soap-opera stars
Bill Cosby: No, I didn't want to see that. You made a mess! Yucky! Icky! Messy!
Bill Cosby: Himself
or those annoying 60s psychedelic rock stars like Eric Clapton and the Cream Cheese
Derek Morgan: Awwh,poor baby.Try not to let the tears hit the paper, it gets a little messy.
Criminal Minds
pffft...they're the best... anyway only the best are a target for psychotic killers, see John Lennon...