All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Cordelia Chase: Tell me we don't live in a soap opera.
Neelix: Take a look at this: it's a form of entertainment called a 'soap opera'. The exploration of human relationships is fascinating.
Star Trek: Voyager
Quark: I know, I know! It's brutal! It's violent, it's bloody... but to the Klingons, it's entertainment.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Dr. Phlox: If you're looking for a medical excuse, I'm afraid you're out of luck. If it's any consolation, I'll be there as well. I agree, this form of entertainment is rather crude, but it can often provide an enlightening glimpse into human behavior.
Subcommander T'Pol: The Captain's behaviour is becoming increasingly illogical, even for a human.
Sarah Connor: Well, I do things, you know... stupid, illogical, inefficient things. Humans. Get used to it.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Seven of Nine: It may not be apparent, but I am often amused by human behaviour.
Star Trek: Voyager
Johnny Smith: You ain't seen nothing yet, kid.
The Dead Zone
Dewey: Was that a threat?
Scream 3
Marcus Cole: There's always the threat of an attack by say, a giant space dragon. The kind that eats the sun once every 30 days. It's a nuisance, but what can you expect from reptiles? Did I mention that my nose is on fire? And that I have 15 wild badgers living in my trousers? I'm sorry would you prefer ferrets?
Babylon 5