All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Lieutenant Worf: Nice legs... for a human.
Star Trek: TNG
well, as long as you're the waiter, bring it on....
Richard Castle: That is so sexist!
..I could roast some of the termites too, a nice Maillard reaction for the yummy taste and lots of valuable proteins...
Midge Pinciotti: Look, Bob, even the English language is sexist. Why is it mailman and not mailwoman?
That '70s Show
Maillard? As if there's a lot of surface to brown ...just heat up a bucket of oil and pop them right in....but first, roll them in a vitamin and mineral powder......<shivers> are really gross.....
Eric Murphy: What is she? A Russian mail order bride?
a wok would do this...and your imagination makes all gross
Stephen Ward: All Russians are spies, it's how they're brought up.
of course a wok can do anything but then, oily food's not good even if it's full of valuable proteins....and well, it's your imagination makes my imagination more gross than usual...
Rob: No, that's just prejudice.
Baby Mama
well sesame oil is healthy and my imagination is normal and not gross at all...your twisted imagination is always
Lt. Commander Data: Prejudice is very human.
Star Trek: TNG
but you can't heat sesame oil up for deep frying......and my imagination has always been where it shld be but you're trying to lead it astray all the time...
Mickey: Yeah, it's always heartwarming to see a prejudice defeated by a deeper prejudice.
Lone Star
termites are small they don't need this... and you mean that you're susceptible to manipulation? Interesting
Max: Well, it's a heart-warming American tradition.
Across The Universe eat them raw, I know <shivers>..better scan your guts for holes.......and I've also a manipulatio-o-meter so yours will always be detected...
Darla: I think they do, which would explain the lynch mob.
don't confuse it with all the other o-meters...and you're connected to a lot of cables and sensors...I wonder who adjusts and constructed all this