All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Dr. Perry Cox: The Janitor is amusing because quite frankly he's insane
Petros Xanatos: Are you two related?
Sabrina: In my family, some of my closest relatives are monsters.
Sabrina the Animated Series
Sheriff Frank: Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?
Ann Tikwittee: Oh, look at the furry guinea pig! Cute little guy! What do you call it?
Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time
Dr. Gumby: Moustache.
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Captain Blackadder: Sir, your moustache is lovely...
Blackadder Goes Forth
Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: So what you're saying is you would be willing, excuse me, Jack would be willing to take in this creature and care for it and love it like a pet?
Harry and the Hendersons
Dark Star
Erica Barry: She's this high-strung, overamped, controlling, know-it-all neurotic. ... who's incredibly *cute*, and lovable.
Something's Gotta Give
..reminds you of someone?