All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Special Agent Jethro Gibbs: Seems pretty damn accurate to me.
Navy CIS
yes, unfortunatly...but perhaps a very expensive Arab racehorse has a similar taste
Garak: Ever since it's become public knowledge that you're genetically engineered, you used every opportunity to show off.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
or the victims after the stampede...I guess it's a horse massacre...tons of meat for the barbecue
William Somerset: Gentlemen, gentlemen... All these books, a world of knowledge at your fingertips, and you play poker all night.
I won't commit suicide, there are enough fools who try this...I just want a horse sausage, if the meat of the old nags is not too chewy
Bridger: Well, that's bullshit. You know, you got a lousy poker face, Lazarus. You're lucky you can cheat.
The Speed of Thought
okay then we're back to more precious and rare meat...any legendary figures left that are huntable?
ALF: ... Geez, you're blind as a bat, aren't you?
actually I expected some suggestions from you...marinated sasquatch for example