All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Allison Dubois: Bitchy? Cranky? Pissed off?
Lewis Kiniski: Mood swings, that's obvious.
The Drew Carey Show
Harry Crawford: I don't know what's matter with you these days, Ken. You're getting very moody in your old age.
Dalek Sec: We must adapt to survive.
Doctor Who
and now, another classic:
Lucky: We can survive later. Right now, let's have some fun.
101 Dalmatians: The Series
Nigel: I'm warning you, Selena. Don't be so shortsighted.
Reggie McLemore: <ponders> Yeah. You're right, Doc. I mean, what I need is a long-term solution.
Mad Stan: There's only one sane solution: BLOW IT UP!
Batman Beyond
Professor Hubert Farnsworth: That's a big crock of... <explosion outside> Hold me!
Angel: Come on! I'm holding your head.