All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Sheriff: Bill Waters is the best tracker. The meanest one is Rooster Cogburn, a pitiless man, double tough, fear don't enter into his thinking. I'd have to say L.T. Quinn is the straightest, he brings his prisoners in alive.
True Grit
yes there we agree....challenging in every way...
Muhammad Ali: I'm gonna give 1000 dollars to the man who brings me Howard Cosell's toupee, dead or alive.
thats' why it would be a breakthrough if you're able to solve them...
Pete Morgan: Don't put such a high price on courage, it's an over-rated virtue.
The Red House
a brain-wash might help....
Leonard Hofstadter: You play a game to simulate adventure, but when there's real adventure out there in the real world, you just wimp out!
but my brain is already all sparkly and shiny clean.......unlike yours...
Henry J. Waternoose: I thought you could drop by the simulator tomorrow and give them a little scare demonstration, show them what it takes to be our top scarer.
Monsters, Inc.
tabula rasa, eh? we should start to refill it with some filthy stuff then...
Agent J: Great, time for America's Scariest Home Videos!
Men In Black: The Game
I meant it's clean, pure...not empty...more like the bamboo tablets containing Tao Te Ching
Sophie: It really is amazing, isn't it? People will watch a lousy home video eight hundred times and you can't get them to watch "The Torkelsons" even once.
The Powers that be
but yours is a harddisc and the text not that philosophical but more an attempt to be the best Canadian girl....with limitations and meanders
Harry: Sedatives are used all the time, doctor.
limitations? name one? or two?
Female voice (medicine cabinet): If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348-844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion.
THX 1138
no that would destroy the joy of speculating about it...
Commander William Striker: Shields up. Evasive maneuvers.
Star Trek: TNG
then speculate all you want....what with your defective powers of reasoning...