All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Major General Hank Landry: You better be sure about this Doctor, because if you make me disappear there won't be a dimension safe enough for you.
Star Gate: SG 1
my plans are always fail-proof.......and infinite...(so one at least shld work)
The Angry Video Game Nerd: You can try all day, but you'll just end up falling into the purple dimension of green faces.
The Angry Video Game Nerd
and your delusions are infinite, too...
Wash: Oh, are you? Well, I'm so very sorry, sir. I guess the news that we're all gonna be purple and bloated and fetal in a few hours has made me a little snippy.
well, I'm happy to be deluded.......
Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Ah graduation. For many an alcohol-induced purple haze.
is that a delusion, too?
Tom Paris: They always said television was a bad influence.
Star Trek: Voyager
nope, I pinch myself all the time....and I'm still happy ....
Lisa Simpson: You'll have to excuse him. He's been watching a lot of Fox News.
The Simpsons
sounds like self injury and borderline personality I wonder why you're happy...
Doug: Rock n' roll, baby! Freedom of speech!
Ghost World
ppfftt...the sink psychologist....find another specialisation.....
Sgt. Siek: No you signed a contract. You don't have any rights. You got any complaints you complain to Saddam Insane and see if he gives a f*ck.
well it's the next chapter of my sink psychology thesis...
Faulkner: There is a clause in all of my contracts, that my liver is to be buried separately, and, with honors.
The Wild Geese
ppfftt.....and Alfred Adler will be dancing in his grave.......
Commander Jonathan Archer: But it's a small sacrifice to make if it keeps this project going.
Star Trek: Enterprise
breakdance hopefully...