All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Zach: Bottom line: Dude rocks, but dude's too old.
Gilmore Girls
that's you too....
Robin: Maybe you can bully an aging mogul, but not me, Catwoman!
Catwoman: <meows> You're going to see the purr-fect crime, when I get Batman in my claws! <hisses>
Boxx: You got something ugly inside of you and it wants out. I don't want to be around when it starts hissing.
Masters of Horror
fresh from the recycling bin of the old forum......
Stephano: You know, Peter, if you ever got in touch with your feminine side, she would be... one ugly bitch!
High Society
...and hissing to be free...
Nathanial Mayweather: Well, let's just say I've finally shed my feminine side, like a snake sheds its fur.
Cabin Boy
Bob Barker: I may be against the fur industry, but that won't stop me from skinning you alive, as long as no one wears the skin.
Roofus the Hound: There comes a time when enough is enough, and an animal has to make a stand. Viggo's supercarrier is moored just off the coast of Fur Fighter Village, so we're gonna hit him where it hurts and give him a good kick in the stern. It may not be easy, it may no be quick, hell it may no' even be legal but we're going to do it or die trying. It's time to end this sassenach's schemes. Let's go.
Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge
Ginger: Listen. We'll either die free chickens or we die trying.
Chicken Run
Interrogated Officer: All I can give you is a name, number and a why did the chicken cross the road.
Monty Python's Flying Circus