All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Minister Nassan: It's Iranian glue, it never sticks.
...that's why she'd demand that you pay....
Angela Holden: It's like a piece of bubble gum.
Alpha Dog
but I'm just a poor and penniless dude....
Wolverine: If you knew how much bubble gum I had to sniff to find you!
but you said you can buy my parent's library...ppffttt....
Boone: How much?
well I use the money for important stuff as you can see...and anyway books are today quite cheap..
Morrigan: Before or after I stopped laughing?
Dragon Age: Origins
which important stuff? a hair transplant? ...and not cheap if they're rare and incunabula...
The Joker: Just some laughing gas, drag. Don't tell me you're not an inmate.
The Batman
presumably cultural assets of the old have to give them back anyway...
and important stuff could be everything depending on situation and the moment it's chocolate...expensive brand of course
General W.R. Monger: For the last fifty years, I've been your prison warden, but that it's no longer the case.
Monster VS Aliens
well, finders keepers...ppfftt.......
and which expensive brands are you buying? your favourite Kitkat....
Lt. Cmdr. Nella Daren: Well, Captain, now that I'm on your ship, maybe you should start expecting the unexpected.
Star Trek: TNG
only no-name-products...especially for my guests
Adrian: Welcome to the party! It's so nice to see you all here! I'm so proud of you. You've taken to sin with such minimal prompting. You're acting as if there is no heaven or hell. Well, I've got news for you. There is most definitely a hell and you're all gonna go there when you die. Which is in about 15 minutes.
Little Nicky.
Rajesh Koothrappali: It was like a snowy hell from which there was no escape.
The Big Bang Theory