All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Leela: This all must have something to do with the secret ingredient.
canned soups I presume . And clawing eyes out, this are mean little girls tricks....
...anyway it's just important to kick your bum...
Ms. Angela Fairweather: So how'd the uh top secret mission go?
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
canned?? how plebeian.......I prepare from scratch i.e. running after the chicken... are we back again to these little threats of violence? fortunately, there won't be any kicking bec first you have to catch me and you can't run--old dude....
Casey Cartwright: Hey, that's supposed to be a secret.
but convenient . And as you got stuck in the mud, you're an easy target; just have to follow the moaning or was it giggling?
Katara: Tell me more! <excitedly>
Avatar: The Last Airbender
but you'd get stuck first what with your poor vision and slow motions so you'd be the easy target--I just have to follow the grunting and cursing and then the yodelling...
Gandalf: Of all the inquisitive Hobbits, Peregrin Took, you are the worst.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
that's my trick I pretend to be stuck and if you try to come nearer with that sucking paces, I get you as you fall down because you didn't see the root in the mud...
Carol Connelly: ...That's maybe the best compliment of my life.
As Good as It Gets
with this kind of imaginative and action-filled plot, you can give Frederick Forsyth a run for his money... and oh, I will never fall for any one of your old tricks and nitpicking aside, where did the root come from?
Gul Dukat: Major, is it my imagination, or do you have a hard time accepting compliments?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
of course you'll fall, when you're slipping or when I push you and that root, apparently it was your snare in that you trapped yourself
Lucy Camden: That was incredibly insincere.
7th Heaven
dream on.....
Hoban 'Wash' Washburne: I'm confused...
as always....
RJ: HAMMY! I just really need you to focus right now, okay?
Over the Hedge