All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Cleveland: Could you repeat that, Peter. I believe I heard something crazy in my ear.
Family Guy
c'mon....scared of come needle pricks? ..
Benjamin Horne: A Tibetan chant, perhaps?
Twin Peaks
it's women work
Sally Sparrow: OK that was weird, you're talking like you can hear me.
Doctor Who
then it's time for men's liberation now......
Sawyer: Now I've heard everything. What's next? A cop eating a doughnut?
what about a compromise, let the slaves...ehm I meant students do it...
Dr. Soran: Now, if you'll have to excuse me, Captain. I have an appointment with eternity and I don't want to be late.
Star Trek: Generations
then rebellion is inevitable....
Dr. Jeremy Stone: I wouldn't believe you could commit suicide that way.
The Andromeda Strain
we're not Egypt...
The Doctor: Well then give me a jeep.
Doctor Who
but you know, sometimes, enough is enough....even your bugs will stage a mutiny...
Jeremy: Tonight: we drive a Formula One car... indoors; Hannibal Lector is in our Reasonably-Priced Car; and we go on a caravan holiday!
Top Gear
for this we have pest patrols...
Burrows: If you'll permit me to say so, sir, the subject is not an interesting one. The poor know all about poverty and only the morbid rich would find the topic glamorous.
Sullivan's Travels
and perhaps the bugs will rise again as zombies...then it's payback time once again...
Det. Stella Bonasera:
at least their death has scientific necessity...have a look on the radiator and windshield of your car and think about zombies...