All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Det. Stella Bonasera: That's it? No butler?
Turk: It could be worse. You could be the butler.
Jang-sang: Ho! A tongue most untamed! Master of this house am I, come to bait thee!
The King and The Clown
Blair Warner: Hey well there's a combo, the untamed, the unloved, and the unwashed!
The facts of life
Sookie Stackhouse: What? I'm high maintenance, blood thirsty, and old as dirt?
True Blood
Tony Stark: ... Agreed.
Iron Man 2
Atley Jackson: Oh, man, I oughtta smack you silly, boy.
Gone in Sixty Seconds
Riley Freeman: Hey! Won't you call Social Services and turn yourself in for child abuse?
The Boondocks
Kochanski: Have you ever heard of something called "tough love"?
Red Dwarf
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: So, how are you enjoying your honeymoon? Are you suffering enough?
Star Trek: DSN