All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Dr. Forrester: Ah, but this year is different. They laughed when I made the more painful mouse-trap, but my entrance in the Mad Scientist competition is going to make me famous.
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Presenter: "The Winner Takes It All?"
Rock Profile
Mandark: He and I have been competing in science and other things for years and this race is just one more of those things where we try to beat each other, except I try to win by being sneaky and bad! My plan this time is to sabotage the Mark 5, so it doesn't work as good as it should, then when Dexter is racing he'll most likely crash up, leaving room for me to win!
Dexter's Laboratory
Drayton: It's a dog eat dog world and from where I sit there just ain't enough damn dogs!
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Joey: Go to China, eat Chinese food.
(okay a cliché...)
Maya Gallo: Don't look at me. Last night I ordered Chinese food just to hear a man on the phone.
Just Shoot Me!
Simon: Well, I know my phone number when someone asks for it.
7th Heaven
Mr. Dick Lucas: You ought to be careful. You know it's an offense to make dirty phone calls.
Are You Being Served?
Captain Jack Harkness: I was just saying hello.
Doctor Who
Crow: People and Robots Who've Had to Watch Hobgoblins Crisis Hotline! Hello?
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Clone High
G'Kar: We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile, and nothing can grow there. Too much, the best of us is washed away.
Babylon 5
(a little bit of Monday D & G.......)