All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Andromeda: This isn't your fight!
Clash of the Titans
but how can the experimenter-taster be the entertainer too? a grave injustice, I you have to do the jumping and dancing...and please, only 1 cm of make-up is enough.....
Sookie Stackhouse: How ironic. We promised each other we weren't gonna fight anymore, yet here we are.
True Blood
only if you wear a penguin suit and leather shoes, eat with manicured fingers and eat quietly..
Kiki: You know what? For that matter, I'm an idiot, too! In that respect, we're actually quite perfect for each other.
America's Sweethearts
....and don't forget- only one cm of make-up and steel blue eye-shade....matches your eyes...
Dennis Reed: So what we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing that they are a perfect match.
Sleepless in Seattle
my eyes are not blue...
and then make-up was for you...I've anyway a mask on
Optimus Prime: It was an accident that intertwined our fates.
oh yeah, they're pink like a rabbit's but the difference is that the rabbit is cute wonder you need a mask, darling....
John Connor: There is no fate, but what we make.
Terminator Salvation
and your's black like evil fate? Even a March Hare would fear them...
Mikaela: Oh my God, we're gonna die! We're gonna die!
Sam Witwicky: No we're not! Trust me, he's a kickass driver!
<Bumblebee heads towards a wall>
Sam Witwicky: <high-pitched scream> Oh my God, no! We're gonna die!
...then you shld too...
Benton Fraser: Well, in this case, there was the sound of a foot breaking glass. This was followed by the scream of a female bystander, and then the squeal of tires as the vehicle pulled away from the curb.
Jack Huey: And did you happen to 'hear' a license plate number, too?
Benton Fraser: No, the license was obscured by mud.
Louis Gardino: You know what we have here, Jack? Another case of... speeding with a dirty license plate!
Jack Huey: Damn, this city's going to hell!
Due South
normal or extra long?
Bart Simpson: Full speed ahead. Dam the torpedos.
Abe: What did he say? Put on our tuxedos?
Crazy Old Man: I want some Taquitos.
The Simpsons
ok, about a feather instead? the perfect instrument for torture... ...
Gilora: Oh, my. I'm afraid this is a case of... cross-cultural misunderstanding.
Star Trek: DSN
sounds SM-like