All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Lt. Kif Kroker: That's surprisingly noble of you, sir.
Krusty: I'd rather be a happy schnook than a noble schlumph.
The Simpsons
Dowager Marchioness of Buckminster: Either of them.
Wedding Rehearsal
Dr. Eric Foreman: I prefer to think of myself as genius 2.0.
House MD
Aang: Did the definition of "genius" change in the last hundred years?
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Dr. Elizabeth Weir: Oh yes, green with envy!
Stargate: Atlantis
Sokka: Come on, Aang. Let her dream.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Hedonism Bot: Less reality, more fantasy. Resume the opera.
Ari Gold: It's a soap opera. There is no good, there are just degrees of bad.
C.J. Cregg: I think you're Director of Operations and you're neglecting your responsibilities...
The West Wing