All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Deke: Aw, come on Pancho! You said you sobered up, man!
Creepshow 2
would be better if you'd believe in Scrooge McDuck...
Betty: "What's wrong with celebrating sobriety by getting drunk?"
28 Days
oh...I'd never believe in those....unlike you......
Ford: Okay, well, you try vomiting for twenty-four hours straight because the pain in your head is so intense, and then we'll discuss the concept of right and wrong.
but you believe in Bambi and teletubbies....much much worse
Special Agent Anthony diNozzo: How 'bout this? Slow down or I'll puke on you!
cos they are cute and real...
Shah Mashiq Rassim: Oh, Ahdab, if only you hadn't lost those sea sickness pills. Now there is no relief!
Whoops Apocalypse
well only in your own special world that you share with white mice too apparently
Viola: I mean, suck it up, be a man and rub some dirt on it.
She's The Man
but Mickey is not white.....
Balthazar: Spare me your remedial incantations.
and he's not a mouse, but you know this already...
Mr Linderman: You see, I think there comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning.
well, he's a mouse in costume but I know a mouse when I see a mouse.....even if it talks funny....
Jack O'Neill: Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound.
<long pause>
Jack O'Neill: Nothing comes to mind.
for me it's still a rat in costume
Alyx Vance: Man of few words, aren't you?
Half-Life 2
but a very cute and lucrative one.......