All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Carolyn Burnham: Your father seems to think this type of behavior is something to be proud of.
American Beauty
denial is not the solution, darling...
Rapunzel:.... *This is so fun!* I, am a horrible daughter. I'm going back. *I am never going back!* I am a despicable human being. *Woo-hoo! Best. Day. Ever!*
but it usually works, sweetie...
Barney Gumble: Sweet, beautiful drunk talk...
The Simpsons
until you see your bank account
Patrick Jane: Ooo. That sounds perceptive. Let me think about that... No. I find that I'm not. It's definitely you.
The Mentalist
but my fish can afford it...
Joy Deaver: Dr. Brennan, you need to learn the difference between reality and perception.
Fish means: Forget It Stuff Happens or what? You're a fatalist
Maj. Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan: Some people have extra sensory perception.
...that's good but I'd rather use the other F-word... esp on describing most of them....
Janine Melnitz: Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?
then scream it and torch the lawyer's car (just to go back to the starting point)
Steve Prefontaine: It's the hardest thing in the world to believe in something, if you do it's a miracle.
Without Limits
my, my, my...why such feelings of lawbreaking on a peaceful, calm Sunday?
Clouseau: I believe everything and I believe nothing. I suspect everyone and I suspect no one.
A Shot in the Dark
just for fun and abreact
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Teal'c's like one of the deepest people I know. I mean, he's *so* deep. Go on, t-tell them how deep you are! You'll be lucky if you understand this.
StarGate SG1
oh yeah...and jail would even be more can't fight crooked lawyers....