All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Dr. James Wilson: It there's one thing I've learned from you, it's that I should do what I think is right, and not to worry about the consequences.
House MD
but I'd rather perform for a be-gowned, be-jeweled and tuxedoed audience....and no popcorns and sodas all over the place......
Arco: How should I know? It won't be good, will it? They don't put penal colonies on easy-living planets.
Blakes 7
delusions as usual...these days your only chance will be the TV show Canadian Idol...
Wang Chi: They got this sorta clubhouse thing, you know, where they all hang out.
Big Trouble In Little China
ppfftt..I'm too good for that...but alla Scala...yup, why not?
Blade: They've got their claws into everything - politics, finance, real estate. They already own half of downtown.
even more delusions, anyway first an entrance examination, you sing a song, post it in youtube and we judge...
Kent Brockman: Reporters used to expose corruption and corporate greed. Now, like toothless babies, they suckle at the teat of misinformation and poop it into the diaper called the six-o'clock news.
The Simpsons
just you wait and see.......
Comic Book Guy: No, I get my news from the internet, like a normal person under seventy. Farewell, dinosaur.
The Simpsons
we're looking forward and please no empty promises (or threats)
Lex: After all this time, I thought you knew me better than the average tabloid reader.
I think it shld be a pay per view then....I've a portfolio to maintain....
Booth: No, it sounds like the truth because it's so rational, right? But the... you know, the true truth is you hate Christmas, so you just spout out all these facts and you ruin it for everyone else.
oh, for this I've some cents left...
Flynn Rider: You can't tell anyone about this, okay? It could ruin my whole reputation.
awwww....dang as ever....
Josh: This, right here, this is the reason why you have a reputation as a pain in the ass.
The West Wing
I just pay the real value...