All-new geek quotes, modified to celebrate the new forum - (Jan/26/2009 )
Mrs. Gerald Hayden: You have made it publicly obvious that you have only one concept of love... a vile and sinful one.
Where Love Has Gone
"I love to shop after a bad relationship. I don't know. I buy a new outfit and it makes me feel better. It just does. Sometimes I see a really great outfit, I'll break up with someone on purpose."
Rita Rudner
Mary Jane Lewis: Whoever said women were the weaker sex never went shopping with us.
The Lucy Show
"Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy fat women."
Nicole Hollander
Dark Helmet: Eh, I'm sorry, it only works on ants.
Spaceballs: The Animated Series
"Next to the wound, what women make best is the bandage."
Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
never mind the ants....
Natella: I guess it's like Alcohol.
Bromwell High
Jack Houriskey: God made alcohol as a social lubricant. To make men brave, and to make women loose.
Just Like Heaven
Electronic Mother's Day Card: In the glorious worker robot paradise, there will be no liquor. Only efficient synthetic fuels.
Private Baldrick: Yes sir, first solid fuel we've had since we burned the cat.
Blackadder Goes Forth