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DNA Related Discussions
  1. Mitochondrial DNA problem - (reply: 1)
  2. Running Simple Gels w Bacterial DNA - (reply: 4)
  3. Identification of Bacteria w DNA - Easy way to ID bacteria in a high school setting using DNA (reply: 3)
  4. DNA Quality - (reply: 2)
  5. DNA replication - speed of leading and lagging strand polymerases? - (reply: 1)
  6. HA tagging a DNA construct - Need a protocol for HA tags (reply: 1)
  7. To detect the DNA contamination in RNA - (reply: 2)
  8. DNA PAGE - suitability of PCR buffer (reply: 1)
  9. Problems with DNAse treatment - (reply: 2)
  10. Which DNA is good for PCR for amplify a certain sequence? cDNA or genomic DNA ? - (reply: 2)
  11. Is there a DNA structure expert out there? - (reply: 1)
  12. DNA extraction of parasites - (reply: 2)
  13. Will salmon sperm DNA in ChIP protocol interfere the WGA amplification? - (reply: 1)
  14. DNA purification - Touble with isolating PCGP plasmid (reply: 3)
  15. Composition of DNA wash buffer - What's in there? (reply: 1)
  16. Digestion, clean up lead to fewer DNA! Help... - (reply: 4)
  17. DNA degradation? - (reply: 2)
  18. DNAse and Catalase useful to pathogens?How why? - Really confusing! (reply: 1)
  19. dideoxy chain-termination method for sequencing DNA - (reply: 5)
  20. please! help on DNase treatment before microarray of RNA, which one?! - (reply: 4)
  21. Does plasmid DNA mutate over time? - (reply: 2)
  22. washing alcohol-preserved sample before DNA isolation... H2O, TE, or? - (reply: 3)
  23. DNA Extraction using Phenol and Ethanol - ETHANOL AND PCR (reply: 7)
  24. Black stuff in my DNA? - (reply: 2)
  25. Uneven SYBR green staining/quantitative DNA gels - (reply: 1)
  26. Plasmid DNA storage - (reply: 1)
  27. sonication - no DNA shearing (reply: 2)
  28. DNA enzyme digestion problems - Smeared and stuck in wells, no or faint bands (reply: 1)
  29. where to buy universally methylated and unmethylated genomic DNA? - (reply: 7)
  30. Does Isopropanol freeze? - DNA precipitation (reply: 4)
  31. milky ethanol + viscous "pellet" - DNA precipitation (reply: 6)
  32. Trouble with inconsistant DNA extraction - (reply: 4)
  33. selective preciptation of DNA according to size - (reply: 4)
  34. Tricks to amplify 4kb targets from GC rich genomic DNA - (reply: 4)
  35. SDS vs. CTAB vs. Sarkosyl - cell lysis/DNA extraction (reply: 6)
  36. Phenol/chloroform vs Column purification for ChIP DNA - (reply: 8)
  37. what dose the genomic DNA electropherogram look like? - (reply: 2)
  38. genomic DNA digestion - EcoRI+MseI - (reply: 2)
  39. questions about isolating genomic DNA by alkaline - (reply: 6)
  40. DNase removal prior to mRNA isolation - (reply: 4)
  41. RNA sample precipitates when I add the 10X Buffer of the Turbo Dnase (AMBION) - RNA precipitation (reply: 1)
  42. RNA samples precipitates when I add 10X Buffer for Turbo Dnase treatment - RNA precipitation (reply: 2)
  43. protein/DNA methylation interaction - (reply: 5)
  44. Best storage temperature for samples - serum, protein, tissue, DNA, RNA... (reply: 5)
  45. Linear DNA transfection - Daudi cells (reply: 3)
  46. Plasmid DNA concentration - (reply: 2)
  47. Quantifying Cell Lysis or the Presence of DNA - (reply: 3)
  48. How to deal with so many false positive clones - Transfer linear DNA into E.coli competent cells... (reply: 2)
  49. DNA motif database / no TF - database of DNA motifs for binding of DNA replication proteins (reply: 2)
  50. How to normalize ELISA measurements? - Total protein, cell number, or DNA? (reply: 1)
  51. DNA precipitation EtOH with Na OAc or Ammonium OAc - (reply: 4)
  52. Making blunt ends DNA with T4 Polymerase - (reply: 6)
  53. A problem with plasmid DNA extraction - (reply: 6)
  54. Cleaning up dirty gDNA (desperate...) - (reply: 6)
  55. DNA extraction from Filters with UltraClean Soil kit. - (reply: 2)
  56. How to extract DNA for PFGE - (reply: 2)
  57. DNA extraction from Fruit pulp - HELP !!!! (reply: 2)
  58. genomic DNA and cDNA - question (reply: 4)
  59. genomic DNA and cDNA - question (reply: 1)
  60. phenol turns pink after adding it to the sample - phenol:chloroform DNA extraction (reply: 6)
  61. estimation of DNA mass using software - (reply: 2)
  62. starting amount of DNA - (reply: 3)
  63. Why DNA sequencing does not detect deletions - help! - Med student lost on her hw. Breast cancer gene (BRCA1) mutations (reply: 3)
  64. Measuring Ethidium Bromide without DNA - (reply: 5)
  65. Good DNA quantity with nanodrop but nothing on the gel - (reply: 8)
  66. Sequencing non-existent DNA? - (reply: 9)
  67. Gel band of bacteria genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  68. band distortion in DNA gel electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  69. How to reuse DNA purification columns? - (reply: 3)
  70. Working out PEI:DNA ratio for transfection - (reply: 2)
  71. High DNA Spec - Nothing on the Gel... - (reply: 2)
  72. Problem with genomic DNA contamination in Minipreps - Qiagen QuickLyse Miniprep Kit (reply: 2)
  73. Mouse Tail Genotyping: Viscous DNA - (reply: 3)
  74. gDNA isolation Question - must use tails? (reply: 3)
  75. Addition of Calf thymus DNA? Why? - (reply: 2)
  76. Small DNA fragments separation - (reply: 2)
  77. Why am I only getting smears for my genomic DNA long-distance PCR products? - It worked great with sheep BACs but failed miserably for genomic DNA (reply: 4)
  78. dna sequencing question - basic question (reply: 1)
  79. Separating a 2750 base DNA band from a 2600 base DNA band - (reply: 8)
  80. Inconsistent ChIP PCR - PCR bands vary from same DNA sample (reply: 3)
  81. DNAse inhibitors - (reply: 1)
  82. wierd dna sequencing results - any clues? (reply: 4)
  83. DNA laddering - apoptosis - any suggestion about the extraction procedure ? (reply: 1)
  84. DNA Sequencing Problem - (reply: 6)
  85. Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl pH 5 for DNA extraction? - Kinda worried, only have pH 8 but that should be fine right? (reply: 1)
  86. DNA pooling - (reply: 1)
  87. How much salt can/should be used for DNA precipitation? - Is there a lower or upper limit? (reply: 8)
  88. how to distinguish supercoiled DNA from linear one in agarose gel - (reply: 2)
  89. DNA "snot" in cell lysis/protein extraction - (reply: 6)
  90. Standard sequencing primers - how to find which sequencing primers bind to my DNA? (reply: 2)
  91. ChIP sonification woes - why is my DNA cut into tiny pieces?? :( (reply: 7)
  92. DNA extraction from dry cells - How to extract DNA from dry cells (reply: 9)
  93. Quantifying Bisulfite treated DNA - (reply: 7)
  94. genomic DNA contamination in RT-PCR - (reply: 7)
  95. Unmehylated control DNA - (reply: 4)
  96. Help w/ M.B. DNA - Concentration on DNA in ug/ul (reply: 1)
  97. Purification of RF DNA from phage prep - Need to get rid of ssDNA contamination (reply: 2)
  98. gDNA extraction from mouse ear for PCR - "Hot Shot" extraction (reply: 1)
  99. DNA cloning problem - (reply: 3)
  100. No DNA in 1 of 6 plasmid preps (Qiagen - Midi) - (reply: 2)
  101. recovering DNA from gel - and then secquencing it? (reply: 7)
  102. analysis of big DNA fragments >50Kb - (reply: 1)
  103. dna quantification - 260/280 vs 260/230 (reply: 1)
  104. DNA sequencing - Problem with silver staining (reply: 3)
  105. Denaturing DNA - (reply: 2)
  106. Bacterial DNA at mice genotyping place of work - (reply: 2)
  107. Strange amplification pattern in DNA real time PCR - (reply: 4)
  108. The role of salt in DNA precipitation - (reply: 3)
  109. Is there any way to remove chromosomal DNA from plasmid DNA? - (reply: 6)
  110. Cell Lysis I have to add sodium phosphate to the buffer? - lysis buffer for DNA extractions (reply: 4)
  111. DNA Protein pull down protocol for mass spec - (reply: 2)
  112. ng of DNA - (reply: 1)
  113. Could have more DNA concentration inhibition effect on PCR? - (reply: 3)
  114. DNA Gel - (reply: 7)
  115. How to sequence cosmid DNA insert - (reply: 2)
  116. house keeping gene not intron spanning and sample DNase UNtreated - (reply: 1)
  117. dna sequencing problem - (reply: 8)
  118. Cotransfection of DNA and siRNA in Neuro2a cells - (reply: 1)
  119. qiagen dna purification columns - are they all the same? (reply: 2)
  120. No detection of genomic DNA inDNA laddering - (reply: 7)
  121. Erroneous PCR product due to plasmid DNA contamination - (reply: 2)
  122. reprecipitate DNA - reprecipitate DNA (reply: 11)
  123. DNA melting profiles - Constant Temp (reply: 1)
  124. linearized DNA (entry clone) for LR recombination? - (reply: 1)
  125. time of DNase I treatment - (reply: 4)
  126. DNA elongation in PCR - Multidirectional? (reply: 2)
  127. 260nm/280nm ratio of DNA after maxi preparation - why <1.5 (reply: 4)
  128. Proecess after DNA replication - (reply: 1)
  129. A reason for DNA's accuracy? - (reply: 6)
  130. nature of DNA - (reply: 1)
  131. DNA replication quaestions - (reply: 2)
  132. DNA Vector - Stability at room-temperature? (reply: 2)
  133. rhizome DNA extraction by QIAgen kit - (reply: 1)
  134. genomic DNA PCR - is it the same as a cDNA PCR (reply: 9)
  135. pup VS adult mice tail DNA - (reply: 4)
  136. DNA Maxi Preparation - Viscous DNA? (reply: 8)
  137. genomic DNA storage - (reply: 3)
  138. gDNA isolation and get a single band - what does it mean? (reply: 1)
  139. chromatin DNA and restriction endonucleases - (reply: 1)
  140. Attaching DNA bases - Creating primers and plasmids? (reply: 3)
  141. chromosomal DNA extraction E. coli - (reply: 3)
  142. How to conduct DNA cloning if plasmid's restriciton site is un-unique - (reply: 5)
  143. How can i extract DNA from hemolysis blood - (reply: 4)
  144. How extraction DNA from hemolsis blood? - (reply: 1)
  145. DNA purification after sonication - (reply: 12)
  146. DNA methylation analysis - doubts - (reply: 5)
  147. HELP No DNA after Nucleic Acid Extraction (Qiagen kit) - (reply: 13)
  148. Low genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
  149. DNA blunting - DNA blunting troubleshoot (reply: 4)
  150. PCR components/DNA sample optimal amounts - ul of DNA and each component for a good reaction. (reply: 10)
  151. harvest DNA or RNA from paraffinembedded tissue? - Is it possible to use a block of tissue for other analysis than IHC? (reply: 4)
  152. Large DNA fragmnet ampification - (reply: 6)
  153. precipitation of protein (PI=9.5) but not DNA - I need protein free sample for DNA quantification (reply: 2)
  154. Baculovirus expression problem - Mixture of Bacmid DNA (reply: 2)
  155. Method to extract genomic DNA from human brain - (reply: 2)
  156. Anyone knows Components of the lysis buffer of Qiagen DNA Isolation Kit - (reply: 1)
  157. why DNA from mouse tails are used for genotyping ? - need to understand the basic concept (reply: 3)
  158. gel purifications of DNA fragm > 10Kb - (reply: 9)
  159. DNA migration problem - Genomic DNA (reply: 1)
  160. bacterial DNA isolation - various methods (reply: 1)
  161. how to clone my insert DNA into vector? - (reply: 11)
  162. purifying small DNA fragmets - (reply: 2)
  163. problems cleaning up small DNA products - (reply: 2)
  164. DNA sequencing downstream work - (reply: 3)
  165. how to extract DNA from adenovirus for template of PCR - (reply: 2)
  166. DNA needed! - extracting dna from buccal cells in ethanol (i think) (reply: 5)
  167. Carrier DNA - poly dA / poly dT / poly dA:dT - (reply: 2)
  168. How to improve DNase efficiency? - (reply: 1)
  169. Removing RNA from DNA during ChIP Assay - (reply: 3)
  170. How to improve DNase efficiency after in vitro transcription? - (reply: 3)
  171. how to do deproteinization for DNA samples? - (reply: 11)
  172. CHIP / Is it normal to see pellet after the DNA purification? - (reply: 3)
  173. Preserve monocytes for DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  174. DNA binding proteins ELISA - need suggestions (reply: 1)
  175. gDNA template for PCR - (reply: 2)
  176. Ladder Fine but no DNA bands please help! - (reply: 6)
  177. Troubleshooting in quantifying Genomic/WGA DNA - (reply: 5)
  178. DNA Dialysis - DNA Purification (reply: 1)
  179. Dried DNA - (reply: 2)
  180. Random DNA library problem - repair, ligation, digestion problem? TOPO and Zero Blunt (reply: 7)
  181. DNA extraction - Brown color (reply: 2)
  182. Retroviral calcium phosphate transfection - How much DNA should I use?? (reply: 1)
  183. CaPO4 Transfection - How much DNA should I use?? (reply: 3)
  184. amplifying small amounts of converted DNA or unconverted DNA? - (reply: 2)
  185. DNA annealing help - (reply: 2)
  186. DNA won't dissolve in water! Help! - (reply: 5)
  187. DNA molar calculation - (reply: 3)
  188. isolation of genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  189. Random-primed DNA labelling - (reply: 1)
  190. DNA extraction vs purification - help ! (reply: 2)
  191. Plasmid Prep Problem : gDNA - bacterial genomic DNA contamination in a plasmid minipreparation (reply: 3)
  192. how can I dry down DNA? - (reply: 7)
  193. DNAse I incubation - shortest sufficient time - (reply: 9)
  194. Method for soil DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  195. Cloning from genomic DNA - (reply: 7)
  196. Digesting ethanol precipitated DNA with AseI - (reply: 2)
  197. which qiagen kit could be used in DNA recovery in ChIP assay? - (reply: 6)
  198. cost of DNA sequencer? - (reply: 2)
  199. GenomiPhi first-strand cDNA - Can GenomiPhi be used on single-stranded DNA? (reply: 2)
  200. how to pull out one stranded DNA binded with histon and conserve another one - (reply: 2)
  201. How to pull out one stranded DNA binded with histon and conserve another one? - (reply: 1)
  202. How to purify biotin labled DNA from mix - (reply: 2)
  203. How to pull out bottom string DNA and reserve up string DNA - (reply: 2)
  204. DNA gel electrophoresis problem? - (reply: 5)
  205. DNA gel to Test Ligation? - (reply: 2)
  206. New to Transfections! Please Help! - What specifically is the DNA in my transfection protocol??? (reply: 2)
  207. optimize TRIzol protocol for RNA/DNA/Protein, HELP? - small amout of input material (reply: 1)
  208. complete bisulfite treatment - How do you know if your DNA is completely modified by bisulfite treatm (reply: 2)
  209. RNA precipitation with DNase treatment - (reply: 1)
  210. Amount of DNA to run on gel - Be it from PCR or from DNA extraction steps (reply: 4)
  211. PCR Inhibition by DNA? - (reply: 5)
  212. Questions in collection and preservation of plant samples - Purpose: DNA Extraction for DNA fingerprint (reply: 5)
  213. Strange results with DNase - any explanation? - (reply: 3)
  214. Endofree DNA precipitation accident-- can I salvage my dna? - (reply: 1)
  215. Apoptotic DNA ladder or not? - (reply: 2)
  216. DNA polymerase fidelity assay (NOT PCR-based) - (reply: 2)
  217. Cesium-cleaned environmental DNA - Help! - Running into problems after extracting ethidium (reply: 6)
  218. measuring DNA concentration in a microplate - without pathway correction (reply: 6)
  219. Taq vs. T4 dna polymerse: difference? - (reply: 4)
  220. Removing genomic DNA contamination -- Ambion Turbo DNase or Qiagen RNase-free DN - (reply: 4)
  221. DNA gel problem - (reply: 13)
  222. CDS Translation for DNA blasts - How to Blast 2 DNA sequences with amino acid translations? (reply: 4)
  223. DNA methylation - (reply: 5)
  224. apoptotic DNA ladder - (reply: 2)
  225. DNA isolation from blood swap ? - help me (reply: 2)
  226. problems with low concentration DNA templates for PCR - (reply: 5)
  227. Help! questions on DNA pull-down assay - (reply: 7)
  228. getting rid of genomic DNA in RNA extraction - (reply: 7)
  229. How to find DNA sequence upstream of gene? - (reply: 3)
  230. low concentartion of DNA after miniprep - (reply: 6)
  231. PCR with paraffin-embedded tissue DNA samples - I have had problems to amplify DNA samples from paraffin-embedded tiss (reply: 1)
  232. difference between subculture in incubator and shaker - on preparation of cultures for plasmid dna extraction, is there a diff (reply: 3)
  233. Dna purification from gel - (reply: 20)
  234. protocol to use Shrimp DNase - (reply: 2)
  235. Extremely precious sample with degraded DNA - what to do? - (reply: 1)
  236. Genomic DNA from S2 cells - is there an easy protocol? (reply: 2)
  237. Second-strand synthesis - why use ligase? - DNA polI - mediated SSS (reply: 1)
  238. Tips on PEG precipitation of DNA - (reply: 5)
  240. looking for a 2-in-1 kit for Genomic DNA/RNA - (reply: 4)
  241. looking for Genomic DNA/RNA kit - (reply: 1)
  242. siRNA transfection: DNA conc optimization problem - (reply: 1)
  243. help with RT-PCR - DNase usage - (reply: 2)
  244. Help: Genomic DNA PCR - (reply: 3)
  245. PCR inhibition in FFPE DNA - (reply: 1)
  246. Free trial kit for DNA, RNA, and protein extraction - AquaRNA - an aqueous DNA, RNA, protein extraction solution (reply: 4)
  247. DNA manipulation programs (or webs) - (reply: 2)
  248. test fuGENE 6 for the large DNA - (reply: 3)
  249. DNA extraction for DNA laddering - (reply: 1)
  250. Sonication DNA - (reply: 5)
  251. Plasmid DNA preparation - two DNA bands in gel (reply: 5)
  252. High concentration DNA on spectrophotometer but no band on agarose gel. WHere is - DNA from bone and teeth (reply: 5)
  253. DNA extraction from PFA fixed cells - (reply: 2)
  254. how to clone unstable DNA? - (reply: 4)
  255. Streaked DNA - (reply: 1)
  256. DNA extraction from dried tissue - (reply: 1)
  257. using ficoll to collect mononuclear lymphocytes - IS it suitable for DNA extraction?? (reply: 10)
  258. DNA sequencing - (reply: 1)
  259. Weekly Decontamination Routine? - To prevent DNA contamination in a PCR lab (reply: 1)
  260. Which is the best way of determining the concentration of DNA? - (reply: 3)
  261. PCR on template with trinucleotide repeats - PCR tips for complexe DNA template (reply: 4)
  262. DNA PCR template - GC content (reply: 1)
  263. Can we bring DNA without TE-Buffer? - Help me, please (reply: 2)
  264. dna ladder seperation in gel - (reply: 4)
  265. Purpose of Genomic DNA hydrolysis - (reply: 2)
  266. DNA cleanup - (reply: 1)
  267. What are the benefits to extract DNA from tissues such as liver, heart and kidne - (reply: 5)
  268. DNA not dissolving - (reply: 4)
  269. Storage of blood prior to dna extraction - (reply: 4)
  270. contamination of DNA in protein sample - (reply: 1)
  271. Free sample of GoTaq® Hot Start or any GoTaq® DNA Polymerase - (reply: 1)
  272. Labelling DNA for ChIP-ChIP - A couple of questions... (reply: 6)
  273. DNA polymerase that produces blunt end and doesnt smear! - (reply: 2)
  274. PCR on Genomic DNA from cell lysate - (reply: 5)
  275. DNA spin column problems - Possible protein contamination and blank gel (reply: 6)
  276. How to study promoter. - A presentation in related to DNA methylation (reply: 1)
  277. How to dilute DNA ladder? - (reply: 2)
  278. why biochemical identification and DNA identification shows different results? - (reply: 14)
  279. RIPA for DNA Isolation - Can you do simultanous isolation of protein and DNA with RIPA (reply: 3)
  280. DNA SEQUENCING - (reply: 1)
  281. How to eliminate visous in leaves during DNA isolation - (reply: 5)
  282. problem of DNA sequencing - (reply: 3)
  283. No DNA after sonication for ChIP - (reply: 2)
  284. Miniprep DNA digestion smear - (reply: 15)
  285. TE buffer exposed in the air it all right for use? - TO DISSOLVE DNA (reply: 7)
  286. Genomic DNA fragment labeling by random priming - (reply: 1)
  287. Dna Extraction from degraded blood samples - (reply: 2)
  288. DNA not migrating from well - (reply: 8)
  289. how to extract DNA from frozen blood ? - for help (reply: 6)
  290. DNA frag. assay....protocol? - (reply: 2)
  291. What is the function of acetate solution in DNA extraction for PCR used - (reply: 6)
  292. DNA Methylation Analysis - MeDIP (reply: 5)
  293. RIPA Buffer and DNA - (reply: 3)
  294. Fate of plasmid - How to detect plasmid DNA on host chromosome (reply: 7)
  295. how to check gDNA quality or amount - as title (reply: 3)
  296. Miniprep DNA - (reply: 2)
  297. To whom working with DNA sequencing - (reply: 2)
  298. all the DNA gone after digestion - (reply: 8)
  299. Difficulty resuspending DNA after precipitation - (reply: 7)
  300. Transcript Amplification in genomic DNA PCR - (reply: 1)
  301. sequencing vector DNA - (reply: 4)
  302. Current for gel electrophoresis - Fried my DNA I think (reply: 8)
  303. DNA quality for MSP? - (reply: 2)
  304. Use of silver staining for DNA in polyacrylamide gels... - or any other helpful suggestios to improve detection! (reply: 5)
  305. DNA extraction from serum ? - How can i do that?? (reply: 6)
  306. substitute for Dnase away - (reply: 7)
  307. Phenol Removal of DNA Preparation - (reply: 1)
  308. Fungal genomic DNA extraction problem! - (reply: 7)
  309. DNA laddering in Smooth Muscle Cells - (reply: 1)
  310. DNA Footprinting Gel - (reply: 3)
  311. pulsed field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  312. Genomic DNA Extraction - Frozen Tissue (reply: 5)
  313. how to prepare c dna for cloning - (reply: 1)
  314. Maintaining things RNase and DNase free - (reply: 2)
  315. Need help, what's wrong with my DNA gel? - (reply: 10)
  316. suitable length DNA for PCR? - (reply: 2)
  317. Ordering DNA of a specific length - (reply: 4)
  318. trouble with DNase treatment of RNA sample - (reply: 3)
  319. how to remove contaminated RNA in DNA extract - (reply: 4)
  320. southern blot - southern blot- restriction of genomic DNA (reply: 2)
  321. DNA gel purification without a spin column - (reply: 4)
  322. DNA and RNA concentration - (reply: 3)
  323. Questions about Stratagene QickChange Multi-mutagenesis - about how many primers and template DNA size (reply: 5)
  324. RNA sample DNA ladder- how do they correspond? - (reply: 1)
  325. DNA from Agarose gel basic questions - Basic functions of chemicals in DNA extraction from Agarose Gel (reply: 2)
  326. How to choose genomic DNA extraction Kit - (reply: 1)
  327. Genomic DNA smears on gel - (reply: 5)
  328. T4 DNA ligase still usable after a night out? - (reply: 3)
  329. DNA isolation - PBS wash (reply: 2)
  330. using restriction enzymes for studying DNA methylation - hemimethylation (reply: 3)
  331. How can I precipitae DNA in 96-well-plate? - (reply: 5)
  332. How to prepare RNase-free DNase ? - (reply: 1)
  333. How to create a mutant DNA having point mutations sequence? - (reply: 1)
  334. What is the funtion of gelatin in DNA extraction. - (reply: 1)
  335. basic question about DNA - (reply: 2)
  336. ficol method - peripheral blood prep for DNA extraction - ficol method (reply: 5)
  337. Annealing plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  338. Small DNA fragments, which electrophoresis shoudl i choose? - (reply: 10)
  339. SOS: DNA purity problems - Low A260/230 of gel extracted DNA samples (reply: 4)
  340. how to compare my DNA sequence with NCBI sequence? - (reply: 1)
  341. The case of the dissapearing DNA - (reply: 2)
  342. Effect of pH on melting temperature of DNA - (reply: 1)
  343. High OD ratio from DNA Maxi Prep - (reply: 1)
  344. DNA degradation from phenol-chloroform - how to improve phenol-chloroform extraction (reply: 1)
  345. EtBr/DNA separation methods - (reply: 1)
  346. what to resuspend the DNA pellet after DNA isolation step? - (reply: 4)
  347. How to determine DNA sequence is from male or female? - (reply: 5)
  348. Plasmid DNA extraction problem - (reply: 3)
  349. Separation of DNA bands of sizes 8.86 kb and 9.5 kb - (reply: 3)
  350. from Trizol to phenol/chloroform for DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  351. genomic DNA contamination during plasmid preparation - (reply: 1)
  352. Why we don’t use large amount of sample to extract DNA by chelex method? - (reply: 2)
  353. function of isoamyle alcohol in organic method of DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  354. DNA, RNA, protein acetone precipitation? - (reply: 2)
  355. Can i introduce strand DNA(not ligate with the plasmid) into E. coli? - (reply: 2)
  356. genome DNA doesn't dissolve in NaOH - genome DNA doesn't dissolve in NaOH (reply: 4)
  357. what is good for capture of biotinylated DNA? - (reply: 7)
  358. Storage Genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
  359. Genomic DNA Storage at Room temperature - (reply: 5)
  360. Dnase digestion after in vitro transcription - (reply: 4)
  361. Problem for DNA extraction (Trizol) - Problem for DNA extraction (Trizol) (reply: 2)
  362. Tandem integration of a DNA insert - How can I demonstrate that? (reply: 7)
  363. Problem with amplifying bisulfite treated DNA from FFPE tissue - (reply: 3)
  364. Phenol/Chlorophorm DNA precipitation after ChIP - (reply: 4)
  365. DNA band Breakage - (reply: 2)
  366. Real Time gDNA allelic discrimination - help needed - (reply: 3)
  367. DNA methylation with dimethyl sulphate - (reply: 1)
  368. DNA adsorption to polypropylene surfaces - (reply: 4)
  369. freeze drying of genomic DNA - i want store The DNA genomic for many years what is the butter manner (reply: 3)
  370. How do you label your amplified DNA? - If you use the Sigma WGA kit... (reply: 6)
  371. how can I concentrate my plasmid DNA? - (reply: 3)
  372. DNA smears after digestion - DNA smears after digestion (reply: 6)
  373. DNase not cutting in assay - (reply: 1)
  374. Great ligation problem - Double digested DNA insertion problem (reply: 5)
  375. Miniprep plasmid DNA - How clean is it? - (reply: 3)
  376. PCR inhibitors in soil DNA - (reply: 6)
  377. Ratio of acrylamide to bis-acrylamide - different percentages for DNA and protein gels (reply: 1)
  378. What is the best way to align multiple DNA sequences? - (reply: 2)
  379. Best DNA sequence analysis tool? - what is your favorite? (reply: 5)
  380. BSP to test imprinted genes DNA methylation of oocytes - no specific or smear bands! (reply: 4)
  381. 2 week old maxiprep DNA smearing - (reply: 4)
  382. PCR of AT-rich DNA - (reply: 3)
  383. Number of DNA entering during transformation - How many molecules of DNA are taken up during transformation (reply: 2)
  384. How to amplify 4.1Kb gene from genomic DNA? - (reply: 15)
  385. Bisulfite tx'd DNA sequence analysis - what to do with CG to TA conversion - bisulfite sequencing analysis (reply: 7)
  386. Help: RNaseA or Proteinase K or both for DNA extraction in CHIP - (reply: 3)
  387. Acrylamide gels blurring DNA - (reply: 5)
  388. Is it necessary to measure the amount of DNA before PCR? - (reply: 3)
  389. ChIP has eaten all my DNA! - (reply: 1)
  390. DNA amplification for chip-on-chip - WGA or LM-PCR or others? (reply: 12)
  391. How to obtain pure DNA from ChIP - (reply: 3)
  392. Agilent Bioanalyzer vs Nanodrop DNA quantitation - DNA quantitation (reply: 3)
  393. My DNA fragment in agarose gel is in 4 degree - Can I extract the fragment and use it for cloning??? (reply: 6)
  394. Can bisulphite treatment be used for detection of DNA methylation within bacteri - (reply: 2)
  395. Plasmid problems - low yeild plasmid DNA (reply: 3)
  396. double melt curves on rtPCR of DNA samples - (reply: 2)
  397. DNA FISH problems - Help needed! (reply: 3)
  398. Can you remove DPX mount to extract DNA off hematology slides? - How to remove DPX to isolate DNA (reply: 2)
  399. DNA database compression - (reply: 2)
  400. How to introduce DNA to animal cells? - (reply: 3)
  401. PCR purification /DMSO / vanishing DNA - (reply: 2)
  402. chip assay dna pptn - (reply: 3)
  403. DNA disappeared after ligation - (reply: 2)
  404. DNA methylation in leucocyte - (reply: 2)
  405. storing a sample or its DNA extraction - which is prefered??? (reply: 6)
  406. Restriction digestion and DNA degradation problem - Restriction digestion and DNA degradation problem (reply: 1)
  407. Checking Insert using PCR from plasmid DNA? - (reply: 4)
  408. What EDTA does in annealing of DNA and vector? - (reply: 2)
  409. DNA Free RNA - Figuring out contaimination issues (reply: 4)
  410. X-ray scanning of DNA plasmids - (reply: 1)
  411. Reuse of DNA columns - very less yield (reply: 4)
  412. polyacrylamide gel for DNA analysis - (reply: 4)
  413. cleansing of mortar and pestle for reuse after DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  414. Digest-Ligase-PCR Problems (T-DNA fingerprinting gone wrong) - After ligating digested product and doing PCR on it i get no DNA smear (reply: 2)
  415. plasmid DNA maxi prep - (reply: 1)
  416. Does this buffer suitable for DNA extraction? - (reply: 4)
  417. Need help in DNA extraction from petroleum - (reply: 3)
  418. DNA sequence manipulation software - (reply: 5)
  419. simultaneos DNA purification - (reply: 5)
  420. DNA degradation while digestion. - (reply: 3)
  421. Elute DNA from Watmann paper - I received a plasmid in the mail and cant get transfectants (reply: 2)
  422. DNA isolation from small amount of cells - (reply: 1)
  423. Problems with DIG DNA labeling! help! - Membrane was completely stained purple with no bands (reply: 12)
  424. identifying genomic DNA contamination during plasmid isolation - (reply: 2)
  425. ancient DNa and PCR - (reply: 1)
  426. DNA Purification - (reply: 2)
  427. Longest single DNA sequencing read? - (reply: 8)
  428. Method of obtaining a DNA fragment for full coding sequence - (reply: 1)
  429. Can alcohol precipitation give 100% recovery of DNA? - (reply: 3)
  430. How much DNA probe is needed for Northern? - (reply: 1)
  431. DNA Precipitaion - (reply: 3)
  432. Ligase always needed for DNA circularisation ? - (reply: 5)
  433. can i reuse the dna purification coulmn again - (reply: 1)
  434. DNA pellet won't go into solution - (reply: 4)
  435. difference between precipipitating DNA with ethanol and isopropanol - (reply: 4)
  436. how to get rid of the DNA within RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  437. DNAse I - Degrading my DNA (reply: 2)
  438. a quantitative DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  439. large size genomic DNA isolation - (reply: 4)
  440. gDNA contamination in realtime PCR - (reply: 4)
  441. annealing s.s. DNA - (reply: 2)
  442. sticky and blunt DNA on gel migration - (reply: 5)
  443. How much DNA is needed for Chip-sequencing? - (reply: 3)
  444. Non-DNase related smear of digested DNA? - (reply: 4)
  445. Maximum solubility of genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  446. Quantify DNA using other cuvette than quartz - (reply: 1)
  447. Is DNA extraction From Tri reagent is good method - (reply: 2)
  448. Why use 75% ethanol to wash DNA during DNA extraction? - (reply: 3)
  449. DNA yields with the Qiagen PCR gel purification kit - (reply: 8)
  450. How to identify transcription factors binding to an specific DNA sequence? - (reply: 5)
  451. DNA extraction - starting from mouse ear tissue (reply: 1)
  452. advice on DNA extraxtion: boiling method - (reply: 5)
  453. how to purify ChIP DNA by using kit - (reply: 4)
  454. How can I get rid of the DNA contamination when prepare my total RNA sampls for - I used the RNAqueous-4PCR (isolation of DNA free RNA kit)kit,still hav (reply: 8)
  455. PCR- DNA and Tm - (reply: 1)
  456. ChIP with unknown DNA target - (reply: 2)
  457. Weird two bands of my purified vector DNA apeared on my gel ? - (reply: 5)
  458. Primitive technique for preserving DNA - (reply: 1)
  459. plasmid DNA purification - which kit should I buy? (reply: 7)
  460. Templiphi amplification kit: How to determine the amount of DNA product - (reply: 2)
  461. concentration of DNA for stable transfection with lipofectamine 2000 and the per - (reply: 7)
  462. Is my DNA clean enough for a succesful ligation? - (reply: 15)
  463. How to backtrack to DNA sequence from protein - (reply: 4)
  464. DNA extraction kit - (reply: 1)
  465. Mutation Screening - DNA Sequences... - (reply: 3)
  466. DNA loss in digestion - I lose lot of DNA in digestion (reply: 10)
  467. PCR from genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
  468. Is it possible to transform competent cells with linear DNA? - (reply: 5)
  469. Yeast ChIP Help - No DNA after sonication - - (reply: 2)
  470. After extracting total RNA from tissue using trizol reagent and phase lock gel,h - I am going to extract bothe total RNA and genome DNA from one sample (reply: 4)
  471. DNA Quantitation - OD at 260 and 280 wavelength (reply: 3)
  472. Help! DNA and RNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  473. Preference in isolation of plasmid DNA methods? - (reply: 5)
  474. MeDIP DNA quantification - after MeDIP how can one quantify how much DNA is precipitated (reply: 3)
  475. White background on DNA gels - (reply: 8)
  476. non-UV measurement of DNA - (reply: 2)
  477. purposes of uncut plasmid DNA - (reply: 4)
  478. Getting Vaccinia topoisomerase I to nick and covalently bind plasmid DNA - (reply: 2)
  479. using bacterial genomic DNA as template - (reply: 2)
  480. glycerol [c] for dna in gel - (reply: 5)
  481. Problems after gel purification of plasmids - Restrictases and ligase do not work on gel purified DNA (reply: 2)
  482. Trouble with doing DNA Isolation and then running a PCR - (reply: 6)
  483. Cloning small DNA fragments. Bacteria are not growing - (reply: 5)
  484. Ligation with T4 DNA Ligase - (reply: 9)
  485. Nde1 works on positive control, not on DNA sample - Restriction Digest (reply: 6)
  486. How much ligase per ug of DNA? - (reply: 6)
  487. plant genomic DNA library preparation - (reply: 1)
  488. Troubles in PCR the converted DNA in promoter region - (reply: 6)
  489. DNA in lysate - 293 lysis (reply: 1)
  490. DNase Digestion and Reverse Transcription - (reply: 10)
  491. DNA extraction Kits ((choose one)) - Fermentas and Bio Basic (reply: 5)
  492. Wizard DNA Clean-up Kit 230 nm peak - (reply: 2)
  493. How to remove the DNase in a RNA or DNA sample? - (reply: 2)
  494. DNA isolation for waxing cover leaf - help me plzzz.... (reply: 1)
  495. plasmid DNA not digested - (reply: 3)
  496. DNA methylation direct kit - (reply: 2)
  497. Produce DNA ladder marker - (reply: 3)
  498. Need large amounts of pure viral dna - (reply: 2)
  499. genomic DNA for qPCR quantification - target sequence? - (reply: 1)
  500. prepare genomic DNA - (reply: 5)
  501. DNA Extraction for Ladder Assay - Protocols to get best Agarose gels (reply: 4)
  502. DNA Extraction Kits from blood samples - (reply: 1)
  503. Sodium Citrate in DNA purification - (reply: 4)
  504. Quick T4 DNA ligase - optimizing the condition for quick ligase (reply: 6)
  505. Ammonium acetate precipitation of DNA - Help is neede for ammonium acetate precipitation of DNA (reply: 6)
  506. DNA purification technique - After a PCR (reply: 8)
  507. plant genomic DNA isolation and PCR - does CTAB affect PCR ? (reply: 4)
  508. Help with DNA precipitation - (reply: 1)
  509. T4 DNA ligase Buffer - (reply: 3)
  510. T4 DNA ligase - (reply: 1)
  511. Is this genomic DNA? - or plasmid? (reply: 11)
  512. Microarray with genomic DNA and cDNA at the same time - (reply: 1)
  513. what is the maximum DNA I can load - Southern blot problem (reply: 3)
  514. formamide and DNA denaturation - (reply: 1)
  515. RNA contamination: how to get ride off it from extracted DNA? - (reply: 2)
  516. Large Scale Extraction of Bacteria Plasmid DNA - (reply: 1)
  517. White residue after DNA extraction instead of DNA? - Where's my DNA gone?? (reply: 7)
  518. mtiochondrial DNA: Is introns included? - Is there any introns in mtDNA? (reply: 2)
  519. Stability of cut DNA - (reply: 8)
  520. Cloning - Bacterial gDNA in minipreps? (reply: 6)
  521. gDNA PCR - for promoter amplification (reply: 1)
  522. DNA extraction with Phenol:Chloroform - DNA extraction (reply: 4)
  523. problem in DNA extraction from glycerol-ethanol embedded tissue - (reply: 1)
  524. How long can the genomic DNA store at 19C? - (reply: 8)
  525. what is the best dna methylation/modification kits? - newbie kit comparison (reply: 18)
  526. How do you consider DNA degradation? - (reply: 9)
  527. plasmid DNA Digestion - (reply: 5)
  528. Confused about cre-lox recombination system - Why is CreatorTM DNA cloning better over other cre-lox systems? (reply: 1)
  529. Why the he..... is the results so differnet? - Picogreen vs. nanodrop DNA quantification of buccal swabs (reply: 8)
  530. DNA pellet - (reply: 1)
  531. DNA Degradation - (reply: 2)
  532. Phenol/Chloroform extraction - What's in the aqueous phase besides DNA? (reply: 1)
  533. inverted phenol and water phase during DNA isolation? - (reply: 5)
  534. T4 DNA ligase - (reply: 1)
  535. how to determine DNA concentration.....when.......... - (reply: 5)
  536. genomic DNA extraction - for PCR (reply: 1)
  537. I kb DNA ladder - (reply: 10)
  538. any kit or reagent for extracting both DNA and RNA from the same cell culture - (reply: 3)
  539. Help me for DNA concentration for PCR - (reply: 4)
  540. Gel purification of DNA bands-any alternates? - (reply: 4)
  541. Digested DNA cleaning - My DNA is in dh2o and I need it to be in TE for the phenol/chloroform (reply: 6)
  542. DNA - (reply: 1)
  543. How much DNA in PCR? - (reply: 6)
  544. PCR problems when amplifying sequence from gDNA - amplification of ~1.2 kb from gDNA (reply: 7)
  545. PCR problems - Fungal DNA (reply: 6)
  546. FACS PI staining for DNA content analysis - instrumental settings (reply: 1)
  547. dissociation curve converted dna - (reply: 1)
  548. Extracting DNA from hair without roots - (reply: 4)
  549. 95% ethanol vs 100% ethanol for DNA extraction - (reply: 4)
  550. calculating the amount of DNA in the final concentration - DNA extracted from bone powder (reply: 1)
  551. How can I calculate the copy number of plasmid DNA after mini-prep? - (reply: 5)
  552. Dilute DNA concentration - (reply: 2)
  553. Bisulfite modification of DNA from paraffin embedded tissue - (reply: 4)
  554. Getting rid of RNA & RNAse contamination in DNA sample for PCR - (reply: 8)
  555. Genomic DNA extraction - viscosity? - (reply: 3)
  556. any experience with dna extraction from fleas? - (reply: 1)
  557. Phenol contamination - can't get the phenol out of my DNA sample (reply: 8)
  558. DNA binding dye info - (reply: 1)
  559. how to resuspend or reextract DNA - (reply: 7)
  560. Can a single restricted vector spontaneously ligate back to a circular DNA? - (reply: 3)
  561. Problem: Plasmid DNA extraction from S. aureus - (reply: 6)
  562. How to calculate DNA concentration after electrophoresis - hello (reply: 5)
  563. ChIP on chip Affymetrix - Ampification protocol - Quality of amplified DNA (reply: 5)
  564. genomic DNA extraction - more about Trizol (reply: 3)
  565. DNA contamination in microRNA sample - How to remove the genomic DNA from microRNA sample? (reply: 5)
  566. DNA isolation from Dendrobium - (reply: 7)
  567. Does aza affect DNA/RNA quality? - (reply: 6)
  568. Trouble sequencing DNA from mutagenesis reaction - (reply: 1)
  569. How get GFP signal without mRNA target from pIRES-EGFP - positive by FACS but no DNA amplifation from RT-PCR (reply: 8)
  570. help with hiperthermophiles - cant break them for DNA extraction (reply: 3)
  571. sodium acetate for DNA precipitation - (reply: 1)
  572. Real-time PCR to analyze DNA methylation - (reply: 3)
  573. positive control for DNA ladder formation - (reply: 1)
  574. which reagent adds density to DNA? - 3X loading dye (reply: 4)
  575. DNA lost during wash - (reply: 4)
  576. how to remove biotin from DNA - (reply: 3)
  577. siRNA + DNA transfection - (reply: 3)
  578. DNA isolation - TRizol reagent (reply: 6)
  579. PAGE gel DNA band shape - (reply: 4)
  580. DNase treat my RNA prior to Generacer exp? - (reply: 1)
  581. how to get DNA sequences starting from the primer - (reply: 4)
  582. Genomic DNA hybridization for species identification - (reply: 2)
  583. Genomic DNA isolation - (reply: 5)
  584. Sequencing a 10kb length of dna in a 12kb plasmid - (reply: 3)
  585. ChIP DNA concentration - (reply: 7)
  586. DNA clean up kit versus conventional method - (reply: 2)
  587. DNA extraction from gel - (reply: 16)
  588. genomic DNA isolation from hair - (reply: 3)
  589. Smallest amount of DNA per well and can still be visualized? - (reply: 3)
  590. Easy protocole for DNA sequencing - sequencing 1kb fragment (reply: 3)
  591. Does my protein degrade during DNAse I and thrombin digestion? - (reply: 1)
  592. Global DNA methylation - [3H]dCTP method - (reply: 2)
  593. primers for bisulfite-modified DNA: general questions - (reply: 6)
  594. Pineapple DNA Extraction - Very low or no yield (reply: 6)
  595. DNA Extraction-pigment contamination - (reply: 6)
  596. DNA extraction from soil - (reply: 2)
  597. DNA isolation troubleshoot. - (reply: 2)
  598. DNA damage - techniques (reply: 2)
  599. RT-PCR NTC- substitute DNA with water? - or just end up with a smaller rxn volume? (reply: 1)
  600. RT-PCR Controls (no DNA) show weird amplification - Complicated problem- urgent help needed! (reply: 4)
  601. DNA sequencing on the left and right chromosome - do we assume that left and right chromosomes have the same DNA sequenc (reply: 2)
  602. DNA degradation in BAC preps - DNase inhibitor? (reply: 16)
  603. Next step after DNA methylation - What is the next step? (reply: 8)
  604. How long can U store DNA Sample - DNA Purification (reply: 3)
  605. Problems in the DNA extraction from blood of rats - (reply: 5)
  606. Difficulty Isoalting DNA From Adipose Tissue - (reply: 1)
  607. ChIP _ genomic DNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  608. DNA stuck in wells - (reply: 9)
  609. How to improve 260/280 reading for DNA? - 260/280 for purified digested plasmid is very high. (reply: 2)
  610. Elementary Question - How do I send plasmid DNA?? (reply: 11)
  611. Post ChIP DNA amount - (reply: 1)
  612. DNA size related to the transfection efficiency? - (reply: 9)
  613. DNA assay in microtiter plate - (reply: 2)
  614. Extract DNA from gel - (reply: 5)
  615. Isolating intact chromosomal DNA from E. coli - (reply: 3)
  616. Template DNA concentration - (reply: 2)
  617. DNA storage: TE vs water - (reply: 1)
  618. CTAB DNA extraction for Salmonella - (reply: 3)
  619. Lambda DNA nanowires, Restriction sites and thiolated primers - (reply: 1)
  620. PCR of methylated DNA? - (reply: 1)
  621. Spec-ed/Loaded DNA inconsistency after digestion of mini-preps - (reply: 2)
  622. GenScript- Free PCR Reagents and DNA Purification Kits! - (reply: 1)
  623. O.D of DNA at 260nm - (reply: 3)
  624. DNA Standard - DNA Standard for Calibration of spectrophotometer (reply: 2)
  625. PLASMID DNA yield - (reply: 3)
  626. DNA secondary structure - (reply: 1)
  627. EMSA results have other bands in control DNA - (reply: 1)
  628. dissolving DNA - (reply: 3)
  629. ELISA/Dot blot for detection of Methylated DNA - (reply: 3)
  630. RNase treatment - genomic DNA sample lost during purification - RNase treatment troubleshooting (reply: 1)
  631. yeast genomic DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  632. Plasmid DNA Sequencing with Universal Primers - (reply: 3)
  633. CHIP: No enrichment in IP DNA Relative to Input - (reply: 4)
  634. sssI with genomic DNA - (reply: 8)
  635. Chloroplast DNA southern blot - (reply: 1)
  636. DNA isolation method form CSF - (reply: 2)
  637. sodium acetate - the function of soduim acetate in precipitation of DNA/RNA (reply: 2)
  638. contaminated gel eluted DNA fragment - (reply: 8)
  639. Why the DNA sequence big different but protein the similarity? - such as MAOA and MAOB genes (reply: 4)
  640. checking quality of DNA isolated - (reply: 1)
  641. about size of genomic DNA - (reply: 5)
  642. How many plasmid DNA copies per cell? - (reply: 1)
  643. KOD HiFi DNA Polymerase - (reply: 3)
  644. DNA Methylation - Tissue specific - (reply: 4)
  645. Uneven background of DNA electrophoresis image - (reply: 4)
  646. DNA Modification - (reply: 2)
  647. 10X Orange G DNA loading dye - (reply: 1)
  648. desire definition - Chromosomal vs genomic DNA (reply: 5)
  649. Methods for checking DNA Contamination - (reply: 1)
  650. How about 4 DNA fragments ligation and cloning - Cloning by 4 DNA fragments ligation and transformation (reply: 6)
  651. DNA ends after sonication - Blunt ends or not? (reply: 4)
  652. Why dpes uncut (undigested) DNA show more than one band in gel-electrophoresis? - Need to know the reason why it shows multiple bands (reply: 1)
  653. Why does uncut dna show more than one band? - why does uncu dna show more than one band? (reply: 2)
  654. Electrophoresis of DNA - (reply: 7)
  655. Bacterial Genomic DNA Extraction - (reply: 2)
  656. Gel extraction protocol for DNA purification - Any suggestion? (reply: 11)
  657. Low DNA Extraction - (reply: 8)
  658. supercoiled and relaxed DNA - (reply: 2)
  659. mouse unmethylated DNA control - (reply: 2)
  660. Thymus DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  661. DNA ligation - problem with purification (reply: 4)
  662. Cloning a promoter sequence from genomic dna - (reply: 3)
  663. dna purification - (reply: 1)
  664. Primer sets for Bisulfite-modified and unmodified DNA - (reply: 6)
  665. dna recovery from gel - (reply: 7)
  666. making insert from miniprep DNA - (reply: 11)
  667. DNA, RNA storage - (reply: 6)
  668. why is dna run on urea pages,what is the specific function of urea in the page - (reply: 5)
  669. small size DNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  670. no DNA band - (reply: 4)
  671. 100kb fragments in DNA laddering - (reply: 4)
  672. dna on gel image help - (reply: 3)
  674. how to purify plasmid and genomic dna - (reply: 3)
  675. Answer for how to reuse DNA spin columns.. - (reply: 47)
  676. Buffer BPTE for DNA electrophoresis - (reply: 3)
  677. How to prepare DNA molecular weight ladder - Ladder and loading dye (reply: 13)
  678. DNA degradation after plasmid mini preps - (reply: 6)
  679. My DNA shoots out of the wells in my Agarose Gel... why? - Agarose Gel Loading Help (reply: 14)
  680. Allele-specific DNA methylation - What to do if the discriminating SNP is a T/C ? (reply: 5)
  681. DNA preparation for Chromatin Immuno Precipitation - (reply: 2)
  682. DNA isolation from RLT buffer - (reply: 1)
  683. DNase digestion step necessary for real-time RT-PCR? - (reply: 2)
  684. running DNA on gel - (reply: 2)
  685. Genomic DNA cutting - (reply: 12)
  686. DNA conc for PCR - (reply: 1)
  687. dna staining dyes - which DNA staining dyes do you use (reply: 4)
  688. Is it posible to make ligation with DNA digested and stored at -20 - (reply: 2)
  689. Extraction of genomic DNA from 10 fold serial dilution of cells. - (reply: 5)
  690. alternative DNA staining dyes - which DNA staining dyes do you use (reply: 6)
  691. DNA extraction from mouse ear punch - (reply: 2)
  692. DNA extraction from rodent tails - (reply: 8)
  693. improve the DNA cons. in RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
  694. extracting DNA frm agarose gel no result - (reply: 3)
  695. ChIP DNA yield problem - (reply: 2)
  696. Bisulfte PCR and sequencing PCR and Primer Notes - Tips and hints on PCR for bisulfite converted DNA and bisulfite primer (reply: 33)
  697. digesting DNA with buffer incompatible enzymes - (reply: 4)
  698. How to take picture of dna electrophoresis without a gel documentation unit? - (reply: 3)
  699. gDNA contamination in cDNA library with cDNA creator smart kit - (reply: 1)
  700. help needed in dna electophoresis - (reply: 7)
  701. Synthetic DNA: anneal from Oligos or not? - Assemble from oligos or buy it outright? (reply: 20)
  702. on-collumn DNASe in RNA purification - (reply: 3)
  703. DNA sequencing company (cont.) - (reply: 3)
  704. intrinsic fluorescence of DNA - (reply: 2)
  705. Sequencing DNA - (reply: 2)
  706. DNA SEQUENCING PROTOCOL - (reply: 3)
  707. RNA transfection VS Plasmid DNA transfection - (reply: 3)
  708. DNase - (reply: 1)
  709. Recombinant DNA - (reply: 5)
  710. long term strage of c DNA clones - strage of c DNA (reply: 3)
  711. DNA markers - Gel run agarose or PAGE (reply: 1)
  712. problem of DNA sonication in CHIP assay - (reply: 2)
  713. DNA from slide mounted epoxy embedded fixed tissue - (reply: 1)
  714. problems with purifying a 100 bp DNA fragment - (reply: 12)
  715. Amplifying pathogen DNA in total DNA extractions - (reply: 2)
  716. smear in miniprep DNA - (reply: 4)
  717. Genomic DNA PCR vs plasmid DNA PCR - (reply: 6)
  718. Need help evaluating apoptosis data - detection of degraded DNA in cytoplasmic fraction (reply: 5)
  719. Interaction of Glucose with plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  720. Extract DNA from dead bacteria - (reply: 4)
  721. A basic question about DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  722. DNA from somatic tissues for bisulfite treatment - (reply: 3)
  723. How to generate linear unidirectional tandem repeats of 100bp DNA? - Molecular Biology (reply: 14)
  724. Difference between Extraction of DNA from chromosomal DNA and plasmid DNA - (reply: 1)
  725. DNA extraction- bacterial cells - kits - PLease help!!! (reply: 2)
  726. What's the difference between using DNA and RNA polymerase for PCR - (reply: 2)
  727. RNAse and DNA digestion in Southern Blot - (reply: 3)
  728. Nanodrop question - Spectrophotometrical measurment of bisulfite treated DNA (reply: 15)
  729. PCR amplification of large piece from Bissulfite treated DNA - (reply: 2)
  730. DNA extraction from saliva samples - (reply: 3)
  731. RNase and DNase free? - water (reply: 2)
  732. BAC DNA restriction analysis - I need help :( (reply: 4)
  733. help chosing a fluorescent DNA stain - (reply: 3)
  734. Uncut plasmid DNA - (reply: 6)
  735. analysis of DNA using BamH1 and agarose gel electrophoresis - interpretation of results! (reply: 5)
  736. DNA isolation kits - (reply: 4)
  737. cloning, got conoly, no dna at all. help! - (reply: 9)
  738. What do you mean by other letters aside from A, C, G, and T in DNA sequencing r - (reply: 3)
  739. DNA purity - 260/230... (reply: 7)
  740. Plasmid DNA Isolation problems, contaminating chromosoma DNA - How to isolate large inserts by miniprep and without chromosomal smearing (reply: 4)
  741. genomic DNA contamination in plasmid DNA prep - (reply: 1)
  742. DNA linear transformation failure - (reply: 2)
  743. Analysis of DNA fingerprints-software - Image interpretation, bands size,... (reply: 2)
  744. How do you work out a restriction digestion map for a circular DNA plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  745. Can any one help me with restriction digestion map for DNA? - (reply: 3)
  746. What factors affect the separation and visualisation of DNA fragments in gel ele - (reply: 1)
  747. Maximun UV absorbance for DNA - (reply: 1)
  748. some formulas - convert ng DNA/RNA/ml into copies/ml (reply: 3)
  749. Primers for BS treated DNA - (reply: 5)
  750. T4 phage DNA isolation protocol - (reply: 1)
  751. Plasmid DNA quality for transfection - Is CsCl prep ever required? (reply: 3)
  752. can someone tell me about extraction DNA from polyacrylamide gel? - (reply: 10)
  753. genomic DNA is getting degraded while isolation - (reply: 2)
  754. Techniques to isolate large size DNA - large size DNA purification from mixture with small size DNA (reply: 4)
  755. Resuspended DNA in false buffer! - How to precipitate? (reply: 5)
  756. degraded DNA in PFGE - (reply: 6)
  757. In DNA gel electrophoresis, what happens to lambda fragments after being treated - (reply: 2)
  758. Restriction enzyme specificity for thymine and DNA - are thymine/uracil and DNA/RNA interchangeable? (reply: 1)
  759. ss DNA cutting endonucleases - Mbo I? (reply: 2)
  760. bisulphite treatment by kit - need information about it and successfull in DNA treatment (reply: 29)
  761. How to calculate DNA concentration after PCR manually - not using spectrophotometry or electrophoresis (reply: 6)
  762. AscI digestion of plasmid - Problem with AscI digestion of plasmid DNA (reply: 6)
  763. DNase treatment of RNA prior to RT-PCR - (reply: 4)
  764. use genomic DNA or cDNA? - (reply: 1)
  765. Qiagen DNA Kits - Extra bands (reply: 7)
  766. How to remove gDNA from small amounts of RNA - (reply: 4)
  767. DNA Digoxigenine labeling kit - (reply: 2)
  768. DNA overload? - Why some fail and others don't... (reply: 5)
  769. quanitifying single stranded DNA using a ds standard - (reply: 1)
  770. Protocol for DNA Methylation analysis using restriction enzyme digest - (reply: 10)
  771. DNA free RNA for PCR - (reply: 6)
  772. reconstituted plasmid DNA solution slightly milky - (reply: 3)
  773. DNase treatment of RNA - (reply: 2)
  774. Large fragments from PCR. - problems getting 3.5kb from genomic DNA (reply: 4)
  775. isolation - protocol for genomic DNA isolation (reply: 1)
  776. Please recommend short courses or self-study books for commonly used DNA softwar - (reply: 1)
  777. Extracting DNA as a fiber/strand - Dumb question! Need practical help. (reply: 10)
  778. Genomic DNA Degradation - (reply: 2)
  779. Tips for sequencing miniprep DNA - (reply: 4)
  780. ppt DNA directly from a digestion/ pcr - (reply: 2)
  781. DNA loading buffer - (reply: 11)
  782. Can DNA polimerase amplify primers itself? - need help please!! (reply: 7)
  783. DNA precipitation and not protein - specific.. need it now!! (reply: 2)
  784. which kit for blood DNA isolation is better - (reply: 4)
  785. Problems with Plasmid purification - no real precipitation of genomic DNA (reply: 8)
  786. Anyone use phusion HF DNA polymerase? - urgent!!!! (reply: 6)
  787. Is ChIP is a good choice to find the DNA sequence for a binding protein? - (reply: 2)
  788. miniprep DNA v PCR product, for sequencing - (reply: 4)
  789. Genomic DNA isolation? - (reply: 2)
  790. weird DNA bands in the Minipreps; competent cells contamination? - (reply: 3)
  791. efficiency of gDNA isolation from E coli - (reply: 1)
  792. no PCR product from genomic DNA - (reply: 7)
  793. Smeary DNA band on agarose gel - (reply: 5)
  794. DNA Extraction - Histon-DNA (reply: 1)
  795. DNA isolation: RNase A or B - which use? - (reply: 3)
  796. use of miniprep DNA for transfection - (reply: 4)
  797. Methylated DNA Interfering with Restriction Digestion - Restriction digestion problems (reply: 3)
  798. How to determine the DNA sequence without sequencing? - (reply: 8)
  799. Plasmid storage and DNA concentration - (reply: 4)
  800. How to purify the ChIP DNA - (reply: 4)
  801. DNA/RNA isolation from small starting material? - Which is the best method RNeasy, Trizol, etc? (reply: 2)
  802. Plasmid DNA problem - PEG precipitation (reply: 3)
  803. How to sepate two similar sized DNA fragments - (reply: 3)
  804. minimum amount of dna for DNA-conversion - (reply: 1)
  805. Depurination for DNA blotting - (reply: 1)
  806. Problem with DNaZol (DNA EXTRACTION) - DNaZol from Invitrogen (reply: 12)
  807. Noise in DNA sequencing peak reading - (reply: 2)
  808. Bacteria DNA separation from human DNA - (reply: 1)
  809. DNA Extraction from blood of Horseshoe Crab - Extracting DNA from the blue blood (reply: 1)
  810. Introduce BAC DNA via heat-shock - (reply: 7)
  811. DNA gel picture labeling - too many samples to label by hand - (reply: 2)
  812. Bisuflite modification kit for plant DNA - (reply: 1)
  813. Spectramax VS picogreen for DNA quantification - (reply: 2)
  814. DNA sequencer - (reply: 2)
  815. DNA Paternity Question - Please Help (reply: 4)
  816. DNA extraction from really wierd microbes - (reply: 12)
  818. Best free program for pairwise local alignment (DNA) - Any advice? (reply: 2)
  819. DNA ladder issues- I can't see any :( - (reply: 6)
  820. Control PCR in Ligation - Genomic DNA + linker ligation (reply: 1)
  821. dna - (reply: 2)
  822. DNA extraction - cell treatment for gram positive cocci (reply: 3)
  823. Protocol for Re-ethanol precipitation of already purified DNA - (reply: 3)
  824. dna isolation help! - (reply: 1)
  825. CTAB - function of CTAB in DNA extraction (reply: 2)
  826. T4 DNA ligase and RNA - (reply: 2)
  827. electrophoresis DNA yeast - (reply: 3)
  828. Explanation of DNA Precipitation - (reply: 4)
  829. Transformation efficiency of plasmid dna - (reply: 2)
  830. Phenol, Proteins and DNA - (reply: 1)
  831. Extraction of DNA from polysaccharides-rich matrix - (reply: 1)
  832. DNA sequencing trouble - DNA sequencing (reply: 4)
  833. DNA concentrations and restriction - restriction (reply: 14)
  834. DNA paternity check - (reply: 4)
  835. How can I search genome DNA sequence? - (reply: 2)
  836. Genomic DNA Isolation kit for Gram Positive? - can you recommend one for L.lactis? (reply: 5)
  837. DNA degradation - (reply: 6)
  838. I'm having trouble finding human sperm DNA - (reply: 4)
  839. plant DNA extraction protocol - troubleshooting (reply: 6)
  840. DNA isolation from Drosophila larvae - (reply: 6)
  841. dna fingerprinting - (reply: 1)
  842. Electroporation of stem cells with DNA in Top10 - endotoxins? - (reply: 4)
  843. DNA marker - (reply: 2)
  844. DNA quantitation on agarose gel - (reply: 11)
  845. Ligating multiple DNA fragments - (reply: 4)
  846. Transfecting neurons with GFP-tagged DNA - (reply: 3)
  847. how to measure DNA quantity, exclusive of RNA - (reply: 4)
  848. How to extract E.coli gDNA from a water sample? - (reply: 2)
  849. dna purification - (reply: 6)
  850. efficiency of DNA cleanup columns - (reply: 8)
  851. DNA prep from Serum - trying to isolate small fragments of DNA in human serum (reply: 1)
  852. ChIP: Equal DNA Pull-Down in Positive and Negative Controls - HELP - (reply: 14)
  853. How to Insert Genomic DNA into yeast - (reply: 1)
  854. mutiple DNA bands on my agarose gel - (reply: 3)
  855. dna and microarray - (reply: 3)
  856. DNase treatment in RNA isolation - protocol for DNase treatment (reply: 4)
  857. gDNA salvage for PCR from mounted tissue sections - Is it possible? (reply: 1)
  858. DNA isolation from small samples - (reply: 14)
  859. genomic DNA prep (protocol check) - (reply: 2)
  860. 5ug DNA can be converted in one bisulfite treatment - (reply: 8)
  861. amount of DNA for low copy number gene - (reply: 1)
  862. Amplified DNA in micorarray - (reply: 1)
  863. How can I prepare standard DNA for QPCR - (reply: 3)
  864. How to get rid of DNA contamination in protein samples - (reply: 3)
  865. DNA isolation from all bacterias in drinking water - (reply: 4)
  866. DNA extraction with phenol alone or phenol-chloroform - (reply: 2)
  867. [PCR] Different amplification-efficiency of varying DNA - (reply: 1)
  868. Agarose gel for very small DNA fragments - (reply: 7)
  869. Strange result with DNA assay - (reply: 1)
  870. Dna extraction - (reply: 1)
  871. Why to use TE buffer for DNA resuspension - (reply: 2)
  872. DNA extraction from semen (sperm) - (reply: 2)
  873. Request for Vector - gene cloning for DNA vaccine (reply: 1)
  874. HELP - DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  875. How to design primer for unknown DNA sequence? - (reply: 9)
  876. fading DNA bands on agarose gel - is it normal? - (reply: 4)
  877. avidin for oxidized DNA detection - (reply: 1)
  878. help separate 2 DNA bands of only 100 bp difference and elution ! - already tried 2% but some thing wrong help!! (reply: 8)
  879. Minimum sample required for visualization on gel - How to load 1ul of DNA on gel (reply: 3)
  880. Can DNA ethanol precipitation remove restriction enzyme? - (reply: 7)
  881. Transcritpion factor and DNA binding - I would like to know!!!! (reply: 5)
  882. PCR from Genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
  883. DNA binding proteins - help (reply: 2)
  884. DNA concentration too low for gel electrophorsis - (reply: 6)
  885. dna extraction - (reply: 1)
  886. Electrophoresis: only seperate DNA by size!? - (reply: 4)
  888. how to get cosmid DNA back to E.coli? - (reply: 3)
  889. gDNA extration questions - help - (reply: 2)
  890. DNA extration - questions - (reply: 3)
  891. problems digesting genomic DNA from cell lines - (reply: 1)
  892. DNA Extraction From Hair - very small amounts (reply: 1)
  893. What are DNA TAGs - Basic background knowledge (reply: 2)
  894. Problem amplifying 8kb bacterial genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
  895. Need protocols for DNA isolation from bird feathers - (reply: 1)
  896. DNA purity by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis - (reply: 1)
  897. plasmid DNA running on agarose gel to the opposite direction - (reply: 7)
  898. How can I extract Chromatin-protein complex without using Chip? - The cheapest method to prove a protein to bind DNA (reply: 3)
  899. Sequencing of bisulfite treated DNA - (reply: 7)
  900. Staining picogram quantities of short, single-strand DNA - (reply: 6)
  901. How to treat total bacterial cell DNA with RNase - I need to get RNA free DNA (reply: 6)
  902. Can I use DOP-PCR to amplify DNA extracted from OMV? - (reply: 1)
  903. Problem with DNase digestion of RNA - (reply: 6)
  904. problem with dna fragment extraction gel - (reply: 1)
  905. pmol calculation for DNA - (reply: 2)
  906. pattern of DNA precipitation - (reply: 3)
  907. color of DNA? - is DNA white or brown (reply: 12)
  908. Video of DNA sequencing technique - (reply: 3)
  909. How to eliminate DNA contaminaiton during RNA extraction? - (reply: 5)
  910. visualizing unknown DNA with linkers and PCR - (reply: 2)
  911. Does gel thickness affect light intensity of the DNA? - (reply: 3)
  912. DNA fingerprinting - Is it necessary to use DNA polymerase with proof-read function in PCR? (reply: 2)
  913. Need protocol for wet-spinning DNA - (reply: 1)
  914. needs help in DNA isolation from wood-protocol - DNA isolation from wood (reply: 3)
  915. One specific DNA band became 2 bands after gel extraction? - (reply: 6)
  916. What could happen to DNA making it uncharged - (reply: 2)
  917. DNA extraction - (reply: 4)
  918. no migration of DNA on electrophoresis - (reply: 7)
  919. Added DNTP solution to DNA by mistake - (reply: 3)
  920. Problems in DNA sequencing after gel purification - (reply: 9)
  921. plasmid DNA precipitation - with the use of PEG-MgCl2 (reply: 1)
  922. PCR amplification of Community DNA - (reply: 6)
  923. DNA:RNA hybrid - is it more stable than DNA:DNA or RNA:RNA (reply: 4)
  924. Best way to precipitate/concentrate genomic DNA? - (reply: 4)
  925. sodium borate acid for DNA electrophoresis? - It's supposed to be much faster. Have you tried it? (reply: 13)
  926. DNA extraction from oils - (reply: 2)
  927. Usage of salmon sperm DNA in yeast transformation? - (reply: 3)
  928. Ligations with T4 DNA ligase - (reply: 4)
  929. ChIP sonication problems - shearing dna before actually sonicating (reply: 3)
  930. Endo-free DNA Preps, When? - For transfection?? For vaccines? (reply: 3)
  931. Problem with DNA extraction from plants - CTAB solution and nanodrop results (reply: 3)
  932. DNA extraction problem - CTAB solution (reply: 2)
  933. Length of Human DNA - (reply: 6)
  934. Insert 2 single strand DNA into a vector - (reply: 6)
  935. DNA purification for transfection - someone have a protocol??? (reply: 1)
  936. Ligation failure using three DNA fragments. - Cohesive ligation failure (reply: 4)
  937. DNA Elution from Blotting paper - (reply: 1)
  938. Making a GPCR Stable - DNA amount? - (reply: 2)
  939. Stuborn band after digestion of plasmid DNA - (reply: 4)
  940. Chrionic villi DNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  941. How do I isolate DNA from tiny amounts of material? - DNA Isolation (reply: 3)
  942. Shearing of genomic DNA - Shearing of genomic DNA from prawn tissues(Gills, Muscle, Hepatopancreas and Eye (reply: 8)
  943. Brown algae DNA extraction - (reply: 6)
  944. DNA methylation and gene silencing - (reply: 5)
  945. DNA extraction from formalin-fixed tissue - (reply: 2)
  946. extraction of DNA from agarose gels - (reply: 4)
  947. How to measure biotinylated DNA? - (reply: 4)
  948. Methylation of DNA, isolated from whole blood. - (reply: 1)
  949. plasmid DNA and restrictions enzyme - (reply: 6)
  950. DNA extraction method from oil or fat sample - any standard procedures or commercial kits that allow isolated the total DNA fro (reply: 3)
  951. Cultivate bacteriophage and isolate it's DNA from the plaque - (reply: 1)
  952. fragmented DNA bands! - fragmented DNA bands!!!!! (reply: 2)
  953. During DNA replication - (reply: 6)
  954. ABI have released MethylPrimer Express! - A new primer design program for DNA methylation....For Free!!! (reply: 45)
  955. How to prepare hemi-methylated DNA ? - (reply: 1)
  956. DNA shearing methods - (reply: 4)
  957. Help! DNA contamination... How to get rid of it? - Trizol RNA isolation (reply: 3)
  958. Appropriate salt for DNA precipitation - (reply: 3)
  959. Which DNA marker is this? - (reply: 4)
  960. DNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  961. to extract DNA from agarose gel - (reply: 11)
  962. Need protocol for extracting DNA from amniotic fluid - (reply: 2)
  963. DNA isolation from feathers - (reply: 2)
  964. adverse effects of lyophilization on DNA - (reply: 1)
  965. Are transiently transfected DNA methylated in mammalian cells? - (reply: 3)
  966. How to isolate DNA from 1-5 blastocyst or oocytes for methylation studies - (reply: 2)
  967. Stripping DNA probe from dna dot blot - (reply: 1)
  968. specific loci not present depending on DNA extraction method? - DNA extraction and succesful PCR (reply: 1)
  969. DNA agarose gels - trouble shoot weird gels (reply: 7)
  970. Is DNAse treatment essential during RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  971. DNA ISOLATION AND ANALYSIS - (reply: 2)
  972. correlating fluorimetry and spectrometry for DNA quantitation - (reply: 3)
  973. Methylated + bisulfite-treated DNA works better than w/o methylation - Desulfonation responsible? (reply: 8)
  974. amplify 6kb DNA fragment - question (reply: 2)
  975. Genomic DNA purification protocol - (reply: 6)
  976. Is any DNA contains in gelatin? - (reply: 3)
  977. nucleacid and protein - Protein, DNA and RNA (reply: 2)
  978. some questions in DNA methylation - (reply: 2)
  979. RNA Oligos VS DNA oligos - Dumb Question but need a straight answer (reply: 4)
  980. Plasmid map of the clone with APE or DNA Strider - (reply: 2)
  981. Is it possible to harvest E.coli cells for purification of DNA from LB agar and - (reply: 5)
  982. calculating DNA concentration - (reply: 2)
  983. DNA methylation vs gene expression - (reply: 3)
  984. DNA Fragmentation - Apoptosis Methods (reply: 4)
  985. Strong distortion in bands of dna gel electrophoresis - (reply: 6)
  986. isolation of phage dna - isolation of phage dna (reply: 1)
  987. is it possible to extract DNA from filter paper by using autoclaved water? - DNA extraction from filter paper by water (reply: 11)
  988. a problem of genomic DNA purification - (reply: 3)
  989. Methods for concentrating plasmid DNA - (reply: 23)
  990. gDNA and RNA extractions from whole blood - (reply: 1)
  991. about DNA extration from human sample - (reply: 3)
  992. Ligation over a six day period - WOuld this have damaged the DNA? (reply: 4)
  993. how can one get rid of genomic DNA in miniprep - (reply: 5)
  994. Cutting close to DNA ends - (reply: 6)
  995. how to blast my DNA over MG1655 genome - (reply: 2)
  996. protein contamination in DNA electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  997. do plasmids amplify more efficiently than genomic DNA? - (reply: 3)
  998. DNA extraction of agrobacterium, i need help - (reply: 1)
  999. DNA (Major groove & minor Groove) - BAse pairs (reply: 1)
  1000. dimers of dna (not primers) following digest or pcr? - (reply: 11)
  1001. How much DNA ladder do I load? How much dye should I add to my ladder mix? - How much DNA ladder do I load? How much dye should I add to my ladder mix? (reply: 6)
  1002. structure difference between plasmid & chromosomal DNA - (reply: 1)
  1003. plasmid DNA dilution for absolute quantitation - (reply: 2)
  1004. adding and adding DNase ...still viscous... - (reply: 2)
  1005. Stem cell tranfsfection - Electroporation or ca-phos precipitated DNA? (reply: 7)
  1006. glass milk for DNA cleanup? - (reply: 1)
  1007. Is it obligatory to precipitate DNA from ligation before transformed into E.coli - (reply: 7)
  1008. southern - loading DNA (reply: 2)
  1009. Would ExoI work? - Alternative nuclease for DNA digestion (reply: 1)
  1010. about Band - genomic DNA of liver of mouse (reply: 2)
  1011. hurry! how can I clone large DNA fragment - noboday answer? (reply: 1)
  1012. Some DNA amount added cannot achieve reproducible in AP-PCR?! (urgent!) - (reply: 1)
  1013. How to verify ancient DNA is not modern DNA? - (reply: 3)
  1014. starting amount of DNA for ChIPs - using the ChIP for ChIP-on-chip analysis (reply: 1)
  1015. lamda DNA digested with HindIII - (reply: 1)
  1016. Micwowave technique for DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  1017. Problems with DNA Extraction of Tomatoes - DNA spooled is not clear and translucent (reply: 7)
  1018. Are DNase inhibitors available? - help (reply: 3)
  1019. Different conformation of DNA after gel extraction? - (reply: 6)
  1020. How to seperate DNA fragment with same size.but different sequences - (reply: 4)
  1021. DNA / RNA extraction from freeze dried tissue - (reply: 6)
  1022. homogenization for DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  1023. Why DNA insoluble in ethanol - (reply: 2)
  1024. transfecting DNA into Jurkat cell - (reply: 1)
  1025. difference between condition 30c and 37c - when transformate DNA to E.coli... (reply: 7)
  1026. different amount of template DNA added will give out different pattern in gel af - (reply: 4)
  1027. Faint band of genomic DNA in 1.5% gel - the possible cause of faint DNA band (reply: 9)
  1028. Genomic DNA won't dissolve - will too much heat shear it? - Help! At wits end with something that should be simple (reply: 4)
  1029. Measuring DNA concentration without spectrometer - (reply: 1)
  1030. cDNA precipitate & DNA ladders - (reply: 4)
  1031. need help! removal of contaminating DNA - (reply: 1)
  1032. electrophoresis to resolve two DNA of similar size - (reply: 6)
  1033. Cleaning >30kb dna - (reply: 1)
  1034. Should I use LMT Agarose to purify genomic DNA? Help please! - (reply: 1)
  1035. Anyone knows the role of polyadenosine in DNA extractions? - (reply: 3)
  1036. How to design primer for sequencing unknown DNA - (reply: 5)
  1037. DNA stability/degradation over time - (reply: 5)
  1038. DNA ladder - (reply: 3)
  1039. Nucleases and DNA isolation - (reply: 6)
  1040. Is it posible for one human being have to separate types of DNA? - I saw something about this and they were called kimeras but I havent found any o (reply: 15)
  1041. DNA purity for ligation - (reply: 1)
  1042. DNA isolation techniques - (reply: 2)
  1043. desalting/concentrating DNA - (reply: 8)
  1044. DNA shearing optimization for ChIP assay - (reply: 2)
  1045. maxi prep from mini DNA? - (reply: 2)
  1046. unknown CTAB complex in DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  1047. Bacterial genomic DNA in 1%-agarose-Gel? - ... is it genomic DNA oder just plasmid-DNA (reply: 3)
  1048. low plasmid dna from ET host - Low plasmid Dna concentration in Ecoli ET 12567 (reply: 3)
  1049. Program for DNA sequence to structure conversion - (reply: 3)
  1050. ligation of two DNA fragments - (reply: 1)
  1051. DNA concentration not stable over time - (reply: 3)
  1052. DNA from rodent droppings - (reply: 9)
  1053. How do you extract fungual/bacterial genomic DNA? - (reply: 4)
  1054. Huge DNA loss after purification - (reply: 8)
  1055. Plasmid DNA purification - (reply: 3)
  1056. DNase much to use in units? - protein purification issues (reply: 1)
  1057. How long can Bisulfite treated DNA be stored? - (reply: 6)
  1058. CTAB vs. SDS in DNA extraction? - (reply: 3)
  1059. CHIP questions - proteinase K digestion and DNA shearing - (reply: 2)
  1060. Quality of genomic DNA for array CGH - Can "Genomiphi"-amplified genomic DNA be used? (reply: 3)
  1061. long insert DNA TA clone problem,help me ! urgent! - (reply: 2)
  1062. generation of gDNA Std curves in qPCR - ABI 7300 qPCR (reply: 1)
  1063. DNA on southern repells everything to bind - (reply: 1)
  1064. Zebrafish genomic DNA extraction - Ayuda me ! (reply: 1)
  1065. restriction digestion of genomic poplar dna - digestion problems with genomic dna of poplar (reply: 3)
  1066. RT-PCR, DNA contaminant removal by digestion with restriction enzyme - (reply: 3)
  1067. troubles with human genomic DNA amplification - (reply: 1)
  1068. How to extract genomic DNA beyond 150KB? - (reply: 1)
  1069. RT-PCR question - genomic DNA amplified with RNA (reply: 9)
  1070. DNA amplification for ChIP-on-chip - (reply: 1)
  1071. extract genomic DNA from plasma samples - (reply: 4)
  1072. genomic dna in real-time pcr - (reply: 3)
  1073. DNAse treatment in same step of RNA extraction - (reply: 5)
  1074. Problems with Southern hybridization and restriction digest of genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
  1075. Has anyone used this DNA sequencing product before? - (reply: 14)
  1076. DNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  1077. DNase I Amplification grade and DNase I for RNA treatment - (reply: 1)
  1078. Water or TE buffer for dissolving DNA - (reply: 5)
  1079. How long DNA and siRNA stay in transfected cells - (reply: 2)
  1080. DNA Strider substitute - (reply: 4)
  1081. DNA fragmentation - DNA fragmentation (reply: 1)
  1082. Plant DNA celan up - Recipie for clean up solution (reply: 2)
  1083. Big DNA contamination in antibody fraction, HELP ! - (reply: 1)
  1084. DNA methylation analysis of the target gene - (reply: 2)
  1085. DNA purity for manipulation - (reply: 5)
  1086. Separation of DNA (4731bp and 4690bp) - (reply: 2)
  1087. PCR using different primers to generate same DNA sequence - explanation please :) (reply: 2)
  1088. cloning the promoter from genomic dna - (reply: 9)
  1089. How to elude DNA sample from a paper? - and then transform E.coli... (reply: 2)
  1090. How U can read map of DNA & some questions - recognize Map (reply: 3)
  1091. Overheating of DNA - Overheating of DNA (reply: 2)
  1092. ChIP DNA purification - URGENT please (reply: 8)
  1093. Can't get MSP PCR products at all after treatment! - Help with MSP using Chemicon Fast DNA Mod Kit (reply: 1)
  1094. purification of DNA extracted from agarose gel - does ethidium bromide remains / interefrence with ligation (reply: 1)
  1095. PCR on Genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
  1096. mRNA or DNA extraction protocol from pichia pastoris - (reply: 5)
  1098. Separating DNA and nucleotides from protein - (reply: 4)
  1099. Isolation of episomal plasmid DNA from mammalian cells - (reply: 1)
  1100. Protocol DNA isolation from human serum - (reply: 1)
  1101. plasmid contaminated with another dna - (reply: 1)
  1102. How to prepare DNA samples to be sent on filter paper? - (reply: 4)
  1103. PCR from pit soil type DNA sample - (reply: 3)
  1104. Calculating DNA concentration - (reply: 3)
  1105. less than .1 absorbance of dna samples - (reply: 7)
  1106. DNA Concentration Determination - General Lab Techniques (reply: 11)
  1107. sterile DNA for transfection - (reply: 2)
  1108. DNA methylation content (degree) - (reply: 2)
  1109. DNA at -20C - (reply: 5)
  1110. DNA extraction from spruce seed coat - (reply: 3)
  1111. Plasmid DNA purification - Lithium chlorid (reply: 1)
  1112. Poor 260/280 ratio for genomic DNA from tissue - (reply: 1)
  1113. Phenol purification of genomic DNA degraded by RNA? - (reply: 4)
  1114. Phenol chloroform extraction DNA: protein contamination - how to remove all protein from my DNA? (reply: 1)
  1115. fishing out DNA - pulling out DNA with glassrod (reply: 5)
  1116. Dissolving DNA in TE buffer - is heating necessary? - (reply: 4)
  1117. "DNA molecular weight markers" paper - pQE-60 dig. with Dra1, BACSUB LDH with NCo1 (reply: 1)
  1118. Protein imputities in extracted genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  1119. Is it necessary to treat total RNA with DNAse I when isolating mRNA? - (reply: 16)
  1120. DNA extraction from oilseed plants - (reply: 3)
  1121. Looking for genomic targets of a DNA binding protein. - (reply: 1)
  1122. Why primers for bisulfite converted DNA amplify unconverted DNA? - (reply: 3)
  1123. co-transfecting DNA and RNA duplexes - (reply: 3)
  1124. Please help with high-molecular-weight DNA gel electrophoresis! - (reply: 2)
  1125. how to estimate amount of DNA using gel? - do u use agarose or acrylamide? (reply: 2)
  1126. DNA fragmentation- gel electrophoresis assay - molecular biology (reply: 1)
  1127. How to determine the DNA methylation of the whole gene - Primer design for BSP (reply: 18)
  1128. Help me--why my plasmid DNA is lost after digestion with Enzyme - (reply: 1)
  1129. How to get DNA binding protein in the clear supernatants? - (reply: 8)
  1130. DNA migrates faster the longer you run a gel? - (reply: 4)
  1131. Problem amplifying DNA from tissue - (reply: 4)
  1132. DNA amount for protein expression - protein His-tag (reply: 1)
  1133. Extracting DNA from serum - (reply: 6)
  1134. How to accurately quantify plasmid DNA in solution within impurity of RNA? - (reply: 3)
  1135. what competent cells should I use to clone big size DNA - (reply: 8)
  1136. Getting rid of DNA template from in vitro transcription rxn - (reply: 6)
  1137. Control DNA in bisulfite methylation analysis - (reply: 5)
  1138. DNA sequencing! I need a quick answer! - (reply: 2)
  1139. help with consostent DNA yields from phenol/chloroform extractions - (reply: 1)
  1140. DNA in western blot - (reply: 4)
  1141. DNA template for PCR reaction - (reply: 6)
  1142. Digestion and ligation problem - Insertion of 4Kb DNA fragment into a 10Kb vector (reply: 2)
  1143. Problem with genomic DNA extracted from mammalian tissue using PCI method - (reply: 1)
  1144. whole blood for dna methylation? - (reply: 2)
  1145. For all the DNA with "invisible" pellet - Problematic EtOH precipitation (reply: 5)
  1146. removal of little fragment of DNA - 10 to 20pb DNA (reply: 20)
  1147. Genomic DNA Help - (reply: 1)
  1148. How to extract DNA from fixed pathologic specimens for MSP - (reply: 5)
  1149. Genomic DNA Contamination of Real Time PCR - (reply: 4)
  1150. ES cell genomic DNA as PCR template for screening - (reply: 5)
  1151. DNA extraction from mosquito blood meal - (reply: 2)
  1152. DNA migration - differences related to quantity??? (reply: 5)
  1153. how to shear tissue DNA - (reply: 2)
  1154. DNA Art Project - (reply: 1)
  1155. isolation of DNA from a plasmid for site-directed mutagenesis? - do researchers actually do this? (reply: 6)
  1156. isolation of genomic DNA from blood - (reply: 2)
  1157. Prokaryotic/eukaryotic DNA methylation review article - (reply: 14)
  1158. Why can not I dissolve DNA in 8 mM NaOH ? - (reply: 1)
  1159. Does BSA slow DNA migration in agarose gels? - (reply: 1)
  1160. Dissolving DNA in 8 mM NaOH or Tris-HCl? - (reply: 1)
  1161. PCR from human genomic DNA - (reply: 4)
  1162. Troubleshooting a Low 260/280 DNA ratio & Phenol storage - (reply: 2)
  1163. How to remove genomic DNA contamination from a cDNA library-HELP! - (reply: 1)
  1164. Salt problem in cosmid DNA extraction - how to remove excess salts (reply: 2)
  1165. Program Palindrome in DNA sequence - (reply: 2)
  1166. ChIP - no immunoprecipitated DNA - (reply: 12)
  1167. DNA quantification and probe selection - (reply: 1)
  1168. Problem with PCR on DNA from paraffin section - (reply: 2)
  1169. DNA isolation from blood samples stored at 4C for 1 year - (reply: 2)
  1170. DNA ladder for RNA analysis? - (reply: 2)
  1171. DNA isolation by PCI method - (reply: 3)
  1172. Aqueous Phase of DNA extraction - DNa extraction (reply: 2)
  1173. Difference between Genomic Vs Chromosomal DNA - (reply: 7)
  1174. Measure DNA concentration - best way? (reply: 5)
  1175. Condition for sonication of protein solution to get rid of DNA? - How long to sonicate and with what amplitude? (reply: 4)
  1176. How does glycogen in DNA precipitation work? - (Ethanol, sodium acetate and glycogen precipitation) (reply: 4)
  1177. non-canonical versus canonical DNA segment - (reply: 2)
  1178. DNA purity for transfection - (reply: 16)
  1179. DNA fragmentation in apoptotic cell - (reply: 1)
  1180. Differenciation between plasmid, super-coiled DNA and linear DNA - What is the difference between plasmid and other DNA on the gel? (reply: 1)
  1181. Recombinant DNA technology - (reply: 8)
  1182. DNAse I treatment of RNA - (reply: 2)
  1183. DNA isolation of protozoa - (reply: 1)
  1184. High Molecular Weight DNA - (reply: 3)
  1185. How to calculate DNA concentration for ligation - (reply: 8)
  1186. denatured supercoiled dna - (reply: 4)
  1187. Acrylamide gel to resolve DNA of similar size? - a little advise please (reply: 8)
  1188. staphylococcus DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  1189. how to effectively recover 40 bp-long DNA fragment from restricted reaction - ask for suggestion (reply: 1)
  1190. Direct DNA sequencing - sequencing without PCR product (reply: 6)
  1191. DNA purification from agarose gels - (reply: 2)
  1192. Bisulfite conversion - necessary to digest DNA? - (reply: 1)
  1193. DNA, RNA and protein extraction using basic solution - (reply: 4)
  1194. Problems with STBL3 cells - Digesting DNA from STBL3 cells (reply: 7)
  1195. Transfering a DNA construct from one vector to another - in frame/not in frame? (reply: 2)
  1196. DNA Purification from gels - (reply: 4)
  1197. Why is TE frequently used as buffer for DNA solutions? - (reply: 1)
  1198. What type of DNA does E.coli contain? - (reply: 2)
  1199. How to extract DNA of Bacillus subtilis efficiently? - (reply: 7)
  1200. DNA amount in ChIP - (reply: 2)
  1201. 3' - 5' activity of Taq DNA Polymerase - (reply: 2)
  1202. DNA purification for ChIP - way to get clean DNA without using phenol (reply: 4)
  1203. how to mutant the gene on the genomic DNA? - (reply: 9)
  1204. EZ DNA methylation kit is not working anymore - (reply: 4)
  1205. No DNA on gel, but get PCR product - (reply: 2)
  1206. DNA extraction by TRIzol - (reply: 2)
  1207. explanation of miniprep of E. coli - miniprep of e.coli genomic dna? (reply: 1)
  1208. Protocol for DNase I treatment of RNA - (reply: 4)
  1209. Annealing buffer for DNA oligos - RNA interference (reply: 2)
  1210. Which Analysis of Ristriction sites on the DNA Seq should I believe? - help!!! I am driven mad by the result! (reply: 6)
  1211. Applying ABI 7000 Prism System - Determination of melting temperature (Tm) of genomic DNA (reply: 3)
  1212. DNA Microarrays with materials from paraffin blocks - (reply: 4)
  1213. allelic variants in a population - genomic DNA that was used for Human genome project (reply: 3)
  1214. DNA extraction Ecoli strains - (reply: 3)
  1215. Types of DNA polymerases that you use. - (reply: 3)
  1216. Minimum amount of DNA for Bisulphite treatment - (reply: 4)
  1217. DNA quantitation - (reply: 3)
  1218. Spce RNA/DNA Quartz curvette? - (reply: 4)
  1219. Smearing of Positive DNA Samples (NOW with JPEG!) - (reply: 3)
  1220. Smearing of Positive DNA Samples - (reply: 1)
  1221. DNA isolation from single cell/embryo and WGA - (reply: 1)
  1222. How long should the DNA fragment be amplified by the two-step PCR? - (reply: 8)
  1223. DNA methylation in Raji cell line - (reply: 1)
  1224. DNA stains for fluorescence spectroscopy. - (reply: 4)
  1225. suggestion for purchasing DNA quantification standards - (reply: 4)
  1226. Strange question regarding DNA in gel-slice... - (reply: 12)
  1227. Concentrating DNA w/o a speed vac - (reply: 2)
  1228. DNA precipitation directly from serum - Is it possible direct precipitation of DNA from serum (reply: 1)
  1229. direct sequencing of bisulfite modified DNA - (reply: 5)
  1230. purification of long single stranded DNA - (reply: 4)
  1231. DNA extraction from formalin fixed tissue - (reply: 1)
  1232. Incubation conditions of T4 DNA ligase - (reply: 4)
  1233. pcr - etbr & dna extract (reply: 2)
  1234. DNA treatments - PDNA chloroform treatment (reply: 3)
  1235. Maxiprep of plasmid DNA - (reply: 1)
  1236. Need help purifying DNA oligoes - (reply: 2)
  1237. SmaI at 37degree - I cut DNA by SmaI at 37degree by mistake. (reply: 1)
  1238. New DNA Fragment Sizing Technology - help understanding the scientific value, if any (reply: 6)
  1239. DNA extraction from filter paper - (reply: 4)
  1240. RNA, cDNA, and DNA - RNA, cDNA, and DNA (reply: 3)
  1241. Salting Out DNA extraction protocol (blood) - I can't find any for low volumes in eppendorfs (reply: 2)
  1242. Help-loosing DNA after the cleaning - (reply: 13)
  1243. what is your reaction system of digesting DNA? - (reply: 8)
  1244. Can we purify Miniprep DNA and use for transfection? - (reply: 3)
  1245. genomic DNA extraction for PCR - Can't get 16Sr RNA.... (reply: 1)
  1246. inverted dna fragment - (reply: 12)
  1247. genomic DNA stroage conditions - (reply: 4)
  1248. Ethanol Precipitation - No DNA!!! (reply: 6)
  1249. blood RNA and DNA isolation problems? - (reply: 1)
  1250. Ligation of large DNA fragments (40 kb + 10 kb) - Does anyone have any suggestions? (reply: 2)
  1251. why we use BVS in DNA digestion? - (reply: 3)
  1252. Genomic DNA isolation kits? - (reply: 4)
  1253. Agarose gel concentration for genomic DNA - (reply: 5)
  1254. Avoiding non-specific DNA binding in ChIP assays - (reply: 3)
  1255. Quantity of genomic dna in human cells - (reply: 5)
  1256. DNA sequencing kit - USB T7sequencing kit (reply: 3)
  1257. Role of Sodium Acetate in DNA precipitation - (reply: 3)
  1258. ChIP DNA sonication conditions - (reply: 3)
  1259. High Fidelity DNA Polymerase: how many mutations per every kb of amplified DNA o - (reply: 10)
  1260. how to obtain DNA sequence - (reply: 1)
  1261. Real-time PCR machines for DNA quantitation - (reply: 5)
  1262. DNA extraction, high polyphenol - help (reply: 6)
  1263. does phenol extraction denature double stranded DNA or RNA? - (reply: 1)
  1264. DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  1265. Which DNA fragment as control for complete bisulfite conversion - (reply: 6)
  1266. Transfection of cells by viral DNA - (reply: 4)
  1267. restriction digest and DNA degradation - (reply: 3)
  1268. Basic DNA extraction question 3 - (reply: 3)
  1269. DNA extraction basic question 2 - (reply: 1)
  1270. Help Needed! DNA sample dispersed b4 electrophoresis - (reply: 2)
  1271. DNA precitipitation - DNA.....ethanol versus isopropanol (reply: 2)
  1272. DNA extraction basics - (reply: 1)
  1273. DNA purification - (reply: 1)
  1274. General background question on virus DNA from a non-scientist - virus DNA (reply: 6)
  1275. Use a vacuum to increase the concentration of DNA? - (reply: 5)
  1276. scale-up Dnase reaction - is it possible (reply: 2)
  1277. question on carrier salmon sperm DNA - (reply: 5)
  1278. DNA precipitation with ethanol - (reply: 1)
  1279. Gel Electrophoresis DNA base pairs size - (reply: 1)
  1280. DNA extraction from soil - (reply: 2)
  1281. DNA & RNA Isolation - can any person give me protocol for this (reply: 4)
  1282. DNA Repair in different cells - (reply: 2)
  1283. SOS: Gel purification of small size DNA - (reply: 6)
  1284. Purify genomic from plasmid DNA - (reply: 5)
  1285. DNA concentration calculation - (reply: 4)
  1286. Bisulfit treated DNA sequence analysis - (reply: 1)
  1287. DNA Contaminating My Lysate. - Any way of getting rid of DNA (reply: 5)
  1288. DNA PCR on blood sample - help-Genomic DNA PCR from clogged blood. (reply: 3)
  1289. DNA amplification - troubleshooting - (reply: 4)
  1290. DNase I treated RNA... - (reply: 1)
  1291. possible DNase contamination - How can I clean my bench, pipets. etc? (reply: 3)
  1292. mitochondrial DNA - urgent! - extraction protocol (reply: 1)
  1293. isolating a full DNA sequence without a genomic library - I've got a partial sequence but what now? (reply: 1)
  1294. I hate Spectrophotometer,Nanodrop etc then How to find DNA concentration? - (reply: 8)
  1295. dna sequencing amount - (reply: 4)
  1296. bisufite converted DNA sequence - (reply: 5)
  1297. DNA stain for viable FACS cell sorting? - (reply: 7)
  1298. DNA Gel Extraction Problem - multiple bandings in gel extraction product (reply: 5)
  1299. DNA concentration - how to calculate DNA concentration (reply: 2)
  1300. genomic DNA PCR - RE digestion of gDNA before amplification (reply: 3)
  1301. Positive control for bisulfite converted genomic DNA? - (reply: 1)
  1302. Difference between DNA and RNA extraction with phenol - DNA or RNA extraction with phenol (reply: 7)
  1303. DNA extraction from insects - (reply: 3)
  1304. genomic DNA sequence - (reply: 4)
  1305. Obtain larger dna fragments after digestion and gel cleaning - (reply: 2)
  1306. Genomic DNA on agarose gel - two bands of genomic DNA on agarose gel (reply: 2)
  1307. Bisulfite DNA modification protocol - (reply: 6)
  1308. From MSP primer to gene - how to recalculate original DNA sequence? (reply: 4)
  1309. DNA extraction - details about ethanol precipitation - (reply: 12)
  1310. genomic DNA extraction - (reply: 6)
  1311. Help needed for removing RNA in DNA extract. - (reply: 8)
  1312. Impurities in the DNA extraction from sugarcane - (reply: 2)
  1313. Is polymerase slippage related to low fidelity? - DNA polymerase slippage during PCR (reply: 2)
  1314. Concentrating plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  1315. Ammonium acetate precipitation of NaOH treated DNA - (reply: 6)
  1316. how much DNA marker to load? - (reply: 2)
  1317. promoters in Ecoli DNA - (reply: 1)
  1318. How to induce DNA damage - anyone have any tips? (reply: 3)
  1319. no restriction EcoRI in genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
  1320. DNA Help - Criminal Law Help (reply: 1)
  1321. DNA from filter paper to use in transfomation - Molecular Biology (reply: 4)
  1322. Debate on the existence of DNA demethylase - (reply: 8)
  1323. storage of dna at 4-8C - (reply: 10)
  1324. EtBr and DNA staining - Best method of EtBr use (reply: 5)
  1325. How long did you treat DNA with bisulfite? - (reply: 1)
  1326. help:failure of extraction of plasmid DNA - (reply: 2)
  1327. Genomic DNA purification from few Tissue Cultured cells - (reply: 2)
  1328. Storage of gDNA? - (reply: 1)
  1329. DNase I treatment of RNA sample - (reply: 10)
  1330. DNA binding site of a protein - how can i predict? (reply: 2)
  1331. PCR amplification of >6Kbp DNA - (reply: 2)
  1332. Automated DNA/RNA extraction, would you use it? - (reply: 1)
  1333. gDNA isolation kit? - (reply: 3)
  1334. How to quantitate digested DNA by spectrophotometry - (reply: 1)
  1335. DNA concentration calculation from agarose gel - DNA concentration calculation (reply: 4)
  1336. Amount of DNA template in PCR reaction - (reply: 2)
  1337. DNA estimation - (reply: 2)
  1338. gDNA PCR - (reply: 2)
  1339. Bisulfite treated DNA specific primer set critique? - (reply: 18)
  1340. extract DNA from RNAlater - (reply: 2)
  1341. PCR contamination with human DNA - (reply: 5)
  1342. Ligation- what to do if DNA is not concentrated? - (reply: 7)
  1343. DNA sequencing - (reply: 8)
  1344. DNA quantitation - High OD values in alkaline lysis mini-preps. (reply: 2)
  1345. How to tell if DNA is associated with heterochromatin or not - (reply: 1)
  1346. DNAse and NaF in lysis buffer...a good idea? - Does NaF or Na3VO4 inactivate DNAse I? (reply: 2)
  1347. Altenative way to extract DNA - (reply: 4)
  1348. DNA length to be amplified in ChIP. - What should be DNA size range? (reply: 1)
  1349. isolation of genomic DNA of Pichia pastoris - (reply: 1)
  1350. how to isolate Genomic DNA of pichia pastoris ? - (reply: 1)
  1351. effect of ethanol and dna concentration in pcr - (reply: 3)
  1352. Formalin-fixed tissue - DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  1353. Storing low conc plasmid DNA - (reply: 3)
  1354. DNA + RNA extraction - (reply: 1)
  1355. DNA extraction from dried urine sample - (reply: 2)
  1356. still gDNA after DNase treatment??:( - (reply: 8)
  1357. DNA and RNA Extraction - Help (reply: 9)
  1358. Northern Advice - What DNA vs cRNA probes (reply: 3)
  1359. The DNA pellet that just won't resuspend - DNA extraction Large Scale (reply: 15)
  1360. Unpurifed DNA for methylation - (reply: 1)
  1361. Tough Bacteria Break Up Method? - Isolation DNA and RNA from Gram Positive Staphy (reply: 3)
  1362. inactivating DNA/RNA with 70% ethanol - (reply: 3)
  1363. effect of dna with ethanol overnight - (reply: 5)
  1364. DNA vaccine vectors - (reply: 1)
  1365. Dnase I digestion - (reply: 3)
  1366. DNase I treatment of RNA dissolved in TE buffer - (reply: 2)
  1367. gDNA on a gel? - (reply: 7)
  1368. PCR amplifying 50 bp DNA fragment - (reply: 2)
  1369. DNA extraction from dead leaf - DNA extraction from dead leaf (reply: 2)
  1370. RNA degrade - RNA degrade during in DNase treatment (reply: 4)
  1371. dna isolated problem - (reply: 1)
  1372. Gel Extraction of DNA - (reply: 5)
  1373. Boiling method to get DNA - (reply: 5)
  1374. No PCR products with the ChIP DNA - (reply: 5)
  1375. Locate DNA polymorphisms using AFLP - (reply: 3)
  1376. FACS: DNA content and GFP in one go!!! - PI masks GFP??? (reply: 4)
  1377. Can I separate these 2 large DNA bands? - (reply: 1)
  1378. RNAi knockdown versus DNA knock-out - (reply: 2)
  1379. Troubleshooting problem in PCR for bisulfite Treated DNA - (reply: 1)
  1380. DNA extraction trouble! - (reply: 1)
  1381. Extracting DNA from whole blood - (reply: 4)
  1382. Doesnt the histone get seperated during DNA extraction? - DNA extraction (reply: 5)
  1383. Amplify long DNA fragment with high GC content - HELP? - (reply: 3)
  1384. Compare DNA bands - (reply: 1)
  1385. how do i analyse cloned sequences - Clone and DNA sequence (reply: 12)
  1386. DNA construction not working--is prep poisoning ligation? - DNA preparation/ligation problems (reply: 5)
  1387. Does Temperature Alter DNA Methylation Status - Temperature and Methylation (reply: 1)
  1388. Bacterial DNA extraction from plant tissues - (reply: 1)
  1389. T4 DNA poymerase - T4 DNA polymerase (reply: 5)
  1390. PPT in T4 DNA ligase buffer - (reply: 5)
  1391. Help: anyone who has co-transfected TWO different plasmids - - how much of each DNA to use? (reply: 5)
  1392. Do you think I can separate these 2 DNA bands? - mol. biol. (reply: 13)
  1393. Fragmenting genomic DNA - (reply: 7)
  1394. Change in DNA size btwn mini and maxi prep - (reply: 4)
  1395. Low conc DNA: is it unstable? - Is 80ng/ul too low? (reply: 3)
  1396. PCR from genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  1397. Eliminating all endotoxin from maxipreps. Need ultra clean DNA! - (reply: 4)
  1398. PCR on Leishmania DNA - (reply: 1)
  1399. amount of DNA after Chip - (reply: 1)
  1400. can we quantify bisufite treated DNA - (reply: 3)
  1401. what is genomic DNA size after bisulfite treatment? - (reply: 3)
  1402. DNA recovery from blotting paper? - (reply: 1)
  1403. Separating defosforylated DNA? - (reply: 1)
  1404. Bacterial DNA, where does it go? - where does the DNA from bacteria go? (reply: 5)
  1405. DNA molecule - (reply: 1)
  1406. making P32 probes - making P32 labeled DNA probes for southerns (reply: 1)
  1407. DNA/RNA isolation from same sample simultaniously - help me (reply: 1)
  1408. DNA/RNA ratio - techniques (reply: 1)
  1409. Purification of small DNA molecules - (reply: 6)
  1410. Transformation efficiency and [DNA] - inhibition of transformation by DNA (reply: 1)
  1411. PCR from genomic DNA - (reply: 6)
  1412. I-SceI meganuclease - restriction trouble of BAC DNA (reply: 1)
  1413. question about DNA precipitation - (reply: 2)
  1414. plasmid DNA isolation - drying dna samples after isop or 70% EtOH wash (reply: 4)
  1415. DNA contamination in RNA extracted with RNeasy kit - (reply: 3)
  1416. Which buffers for storing of RNA and DNA? - (reply: 6)
  1417. MSP bands - both in methylated and unmethylated DNA (reply: 3)
  1418. plasmid DNA isolation - problem in plasmid DNA isolation (reply: 3)
  1419. troubleshooting DNA salt-out isolation - too much goo (reply: 2)
  1420. DNA quantitation - why use a quartz cuvette? (reply: 2)
  1421. Isolation of HIV + DNA - (reply: 2)
  1422. RNA vs DNA purifucation - how are they separated from each other? (reply: 5)
  1423. Homemade DNA/Protein A beads - i think i made a boo-boo (reply: 2)
  1424. should we dilute the DNA (vector and insert), before ligation? - ligation problem (reply: 5)
  1425. Museum DNA - Extracting and PCRing ancient DNA (reply: 3)
  1426. PCR problem amplifying 4 kb DNA - (reply: 5)
  1427. DNA extraction problems using alkaline lysis method - It stopped working! (reply: 3)
  1428. How does plasmid DNA miniprep kit get rid of chromosome DNA? - (reply: 4)
  1429. DNA Extraction Problem (No DNA, just a white salt) - (reply: 5)
  1430. extraction of bacteria from HUT TEST - H.pylori DNA recovery,how? (reply: 2)
  1431. too low DNA conc. after! - (reply: 1)
  1432. How can I add sequences to DNA using PCR? - (reply: 1)
  1433. How to attach a molecule to DNA - (reply: 2)
  1434. DNA extraction - white precipitate? - DNA extraction contamination (reply: 5)
  1435. DNA concentration - (reply: 1)
  1436. Starting with DNA methylation analysis - (reply: 11)
  1437. Southern Hybridization - about the probe and DNA concentration (reply: 3)
  1438. DNA Sonication of quiescent cells - (reply: 1)
  1439. DNA concentration for ligation - (reply: 8)
  1440. Amont of DNA to use for transient Transfection?? - (reply: 2)
  1441. Alternative to phenol-chloroform purification of DNA - Genomic DNA purification (reply: 4)
  1442. DNA sonication !!! - (reply: 1)
  1443. DNA yield from Frozen blood - DNA extraction from frozen humna blood (reply: 1)
  1444. Chloroform and DNA precipitation - (reply: 2)
  1445. Construct DNA plasmid for QPCR - (reply: 4)
  1446. Easy DNA Question - End Structure (reply: 2)
  1447. DNA contamination in RNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  1448. convert the amount of DNA to number of diplod genome - (reply: 2)
  1449. Does residual ethanol in DNA inhibit PCR? - ? (reply: 1)
  1450. "Help" : how to identify of proteins binds to specific DNA - (reply: 3)
  1451. gDNA, mRNA and cDNA sequences of a gene? - (reply: 5)
  1452. Using qiagen kit for ChIP DNA purification - (reply: 4)
  1453. Problem with amplifying DNA from FTA cards - Is there a special trick involved? (reply: 1)
  1454. DNA pellet (?) floats in CTAB precipitation - (reply: 2)
  1455. degraded DNA - (reply: 1)
  1456. DNase treatment for removing DNA from RNA samples - (reply: 1)
  1457. Purification of Genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
  1458. DNA quantitation - low 280 nm Abs - (reply: 4)
  1459. maxiprep - bad concentration of DNA (reply: 2)
  1460. Storage of bisulfite modified DNA - (reply: 4)
  1461. DNA Methylation in vitro - How to carry out DNA methylation on a given oligo (reply: 3)
  1462. PCR of a large DNA fragment - (reply: 3)
  1463. Extracting DNA from rice - (reply: 2)
  1464. Question on PCR - How to add sequence fragments to DNA ? (reply: 5)
  1465. DNA not entering the gel - (reply: 1)
  1466. Genomic DNA versus cDNA sequences - (reply: 1)
  1467. plant DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  1468. PCR product on gel as smear - DNA isolated from paraffin blocks why smear? (reply: 1)
  1469. 6 DNA questions..Can you answer all? - (reply: 7)
  1470. help with big DNA ligation - (reply: 6)
  1471. can't get rid of DNA contamination even with DNase for RT-PCR - (reply: 3)
  1472. DNA sequencing problem - (reply: 9)
  1473. Kiwi DNA Extraction, What and Why? - Questions regarding the procedure and results... (reply: 3)
  1474. DNA as a standard for absolute quantitation - (reply: 6)
  1475. Dissolving DNA in TE buffer - troubleshooting - (reply: 3)
  1476. Expected DNA extraction yield from tissue - (reply: 1)
  1477. Good protocol for DNase treatment of total RNA - (reply: 1)
  1478. relative DNA quantification from PCR - calculation of band intensity from PCR (reply: 2)
  1479. DNA "clean-up" - How to get rid of DNA contaminants: RNA, proteins (reply: 1)
  1480. DNA not entering the gel - (reply: 3)
  1481. DNA migration in DGGE - (reply: 3)
  1482. DNA not entering the gel - (reply: 3)
  1483. Dnase treatment - RT-PCR (reply: 4)
  1484. Question about DNA isolation - (reply: 3)
  1485. Degrade contaminated DNA after RNA isolation? - (reply: 1)
  1486. The best software for DNA analyses for Mac - Suggestions? (reply: 2)
  1487. Best way to store isolated genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  1488. Cloning a large PCR product - trouble cloning large DNA (reply: 3)
  1489. Cleaning up genomic DNA for bisulfite modification - (reply: 14)
  1490. amount of DNA for clontech genome walker system - how much (reply: 2)
  1491. problem with DNA extraction - can't get rid of protein phase (reply: 3)
  1492. DNA ladder for total RNA integrity test? - (reply: 1)
  1493. phosphate group in DNA - (reply: 1)
  1494. DNA extraction for methylation - DNA from cell-free serum for methylation treatment (reply: 4)
  1495. DNA got degraded after klenow, CIP and Phenol extraction - (reply: 1)
  1496. DNA extraction using RNAse (help needed) - (reply: 1)
  1497. DNA in 80mM NaOH - (reply: 2)
  1498. DNA extraction including RNAse - (reply: 1)
  1499. DNA binding by RE causes bigger band than substrate in gel? - Restriction digest of 500bp frag. with BsaXI (reply: 4)
  1500. Whatman Filter Paper - Elution of plasmid DNA (reply: 1)
  1501. DNA extraction after Total RNA isolation By Trizol - (reply: 2)
  1502. PCR off of Genomic DNA problems! - -why is my gene without introns showing up?- (reply: 3)
  1503. Most important to know - effect of enzymes on DNA (reply: 2)
  1504. Clean & Concentrate DNA without Kit - (reply: 1)
  1505. trouble resuspending DNA after EtOH ppt'n - (reply: 8)
  1506. How amplify long fragment from bisulfite treated DNA for MSP - (reply: 2)
  1507. How to get a good standard DNA quantification curve - (reply: 12)
  1508. a Takara TA taq DNA polymerase protocol - (reply: 1)
  1509. ethidium bromide staining of DNA gels - what's a good alternative to EtBr (reply: 8)
  1510. Problems with biotinylated DNA in nonradioactive EMSA - (reply: 5)
  1511. Hoechst 33258 problems! - DNA quantification, fluorescence (reply: 2)
  1512. restriction enzime cutting of genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  1513. DNA in forensic studies?? - (reply: 2)
  1514. PCR Genomic DNA - PCR Genomic DNA (reply: 1)
  1515. understanding Trackit X174 RF DNA/HaeIII Fragments - confused (reply: 1)
  1516. DNA preparation for microinjection - (reply: 2)
  1517. DNA copy number-QPCR - (reply: 4)
  1518. DNA contamination in RNA extraction - (reply: 6)
  1519. How to dissolve over-dried DNA? - plasmid prep (reply: 6)
  1520. Quick way of purifying DNA? - Preparative Gel is time consuming (reply: 3)
  1521. Working with DNA, RNA and oligonucleotides - (reply: 6)
  1522. Agarose or acrylamide gel for DNA? - (reply: 6)
  1523. cells transfection - transfecting DNA amounts (reply: 5)
  1524. linear DNA can be transformed into Ecoli? - (reply: 2)
  1525. How to identify a protein that binds a defined DNA sequence - (reply: 4)
  1526. Using Glycogen as a carrier in DNA Extraction - Low DNA Extraction (reply: 2)
  1527. Precipitating DNA at low RCF - Centrifugation (reply: 1)
  1528. Help:how much gDNA is needed? - (reply: 1)
  1529. Maxiprep troubles - loss of DNA at last stages of maxi prep (reply: 2)
  1530. Transformation of Yeast DNA into E.COli - (reply: 1)
  1531. DNA pH dependance - Does pH affects DNA conformation and charge density ? (reply: 1)
  1532. Apoptosis - a549 DNA Ladder (reply: 3)
  1533. Linearised DNA - linearised DNA (reply: 2)
  1534. Where is my DNA? - Am losing my stored at -20 Degrees... (reply: 1)
  1535. In vitro methylation - How to methylate genomic DNA in vitro (reply: 4)
  1536. dna extraction from soil - (reply: 4)
  1537. Role of Proteinase K during DNA isolation - (reply: 2)
  1538. Help!What's wrong with the endonuclease digestion of total DNA of - (reply: 2)
  1539. problems purifying plasmid DNA after restriction digestion - (reply: 3)
  1540. ChIP DNA sonication problem - got too big and too small fragments (reply: 3)
  1541. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of plasmid DNA - Agarose Gel Electrophortesis of plasmid DNA (reply: 1)
  1542. DNA purification kit for Microinjection - Anyone trying to purify fragements around 45 kb? (reply: 1)
  1543. Large scale PCR to get milligram of DNA - (reply: 6)
  1544. Cloning Large Fragments in a pool of DNA fragments - (reply: 1)
  1545. Viral RNA & DNA extraction from serum - Protocols (reply: 1)
  1546. How big DNA fragment can I clone to pUC19 plasmid? - (reply: 2)
  1547. Help! E.coli GM48: digestion/DNA degradation - (reply: 2)
  1548. Problems isolating plant genomic DNA - (reply: 8)
  1549. Question about silver staining - How silver saining can bind all of DNA, protein and RNA? (reply: 2)
  1550. About PfuTurbo® DNA Polymerase and Pfu DNA Polymerase - (reply: 1)
  1551. Problem with DNase treatment of RNA for RT-PCR - (reply: 1)
  1552. DNA extraction from clotted blood - DNA extraction from clotted blood using glycogen (reply: 7)
  1553. Alternative stains for DNA - Alternative stains for DNA (reply: 2)
  1554. DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  1555. Problem with genomic DNA amplification - (reply: 7)
  1556. DNA precipitated out in digest reaction - (reply: 1)
  1557. How long can bisulfite-treated DNA be stored - (reply: 4)
  1558. DNA extraction method for alcohol preserved plant tissues - (reply: 1)
  1559. Plasmid DNA cleaning - (reply: 2)
  1560. Alternatives to demethylate DNA in vivo other than 5-aza-CdT - (reply: 2)
  1561. Extraction of adenovirus DNA from cell culture for PCR - protocol (reply: 2)
  1562. Removal of endotoxin from proteins & DNA - Protein & DNA purification (reply: 15)
  1563. Cloning problem - Insert DNA self-ligation? - (reply: 11)
  1564. DNA Multimers ... - Things not happening as it should be ... (reply: 1)
  1565. microsatellite PCR from poor quality/trace amounts of DNA - (reply: 3)
  1566. Genomic DNA Complete Digestion - (reply: 4)
  1567. Asymmetric PCR for generation of single stranded DNA - (reply: 5)
  1568. How to extract DNA from halophilic bacteria? - (reply: 3)
  1569. Plasmid DNA contamination - the source of Chrosomal DNA contamination (reply: 2)
  1570. Plasmid DNA Purification - plasmid was contaminated by Genomic DNA (reply: 1)
  1571. ligation question - ligation of size-selected DNA (reply: 4)
  1572. DNA extraction from plasma/serum - (reply: 2)
  1573. DNase digestion and RNA degradation - Cancer tissue RNA isolation (reply: 1)
  1574. Plasmid DNA storage - (reply: 4)
  1575. DNA extraction from little animals - DNA extraction from digeneous aproximately 100 mic (reply: 1)
  1576. Genomic DNA purification - Very low 260/280 or <0.01ug/ml!!! (reply: 3)
  1577. old degraded samples. DNA extraction & PCR - (reply: 3)
  1578. dna structure - base pairs (reply: 1)
  1579. What affects sonication of DNA - (reply: 1)
  1580. Stability of DNA at 4 degrees? - (reply: 3)
  1581. Online tool for restriction digestion of DNA - (reply: 5)
  1582. DNA repeat screening in GC-rich promoterregion - (reply: 1)
  1583. Isolating DNA and RNA from the same sample - (reply: 2)
  1584. How to extract DNA from water microbe - (reply: 1)
  1585. crosslinking of DNA after modification? - (reply: 1)
  1586. DNA denaturing problem for bisulfite sequencing - (reply: 1)
  1587. speckly DNA - why is my dna speckly?????????? (reply: 1)
  1588. DNA point mutation - Hard to mutate DNA which has GC content high (reply: 1)
  1589. My genomic DNA extractions has unusall bands-help!!!!& - help!!!! (reply: 1)
  1590. primer design for bisulphite treated DNA - (reply: 1)
  1591. methylated genomic DNA PCR - (reply: 1)
  1592. ChIP sonication woes - Losing DNA? (reply: 4)
  1593. Separation of human DNA from virus DNA - (reply: 3)
  1594. PCR of unknown DNA - PCRing unknown DNA with known linkers (reply: 2)
  1595. DNA methylation kit - (reply: 1)
  1596. Primers for unmethylated DNA work too well! - (reply: 2)
  1597. Extraction of genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
  1598. the DNA is not symmetrical - (reply: 2)
  1599. qPCR on genomic DNA - (reply: 2)
  1600. Isolation restr. fragments from agarose gel by Qiagen kit - cloning fungal genomic DNA (reply: 1)
  1601. Rephosphorylation of SAP treated DNA fragment - (reply: 1)
  1602. how to separate DNA of similar size - (reply: 5)
  1603. DNA methylation - (reply: 3)
  1604. How to remove PCR inhibitors from DNA - (reply: 7)
  1605. How to remove DNA for quantitative PCR - (reply: 5)
  1606. DNA purification - (reply: 3)
  1607. plant DNA extraction CTAB protocol - - (reply: 2)
  1608. Problems seuencing Bisulphite treated DNA - (reply: 8)
  1609. Ethanol vs Isopropanol for DNA precipitation - (reply: 37)
  1610. DNA extinction coefficients - (reply: 1)
  1611. RNA with DNA contamination - (reply: 1)
  1612. What's the function of NaAc in DNA precipitation(using Eth)? - (reply: 5)
  1613. DNA RNA extraction from adipose tissue - (reply: 2)
  1614. Proteinase digestion of tissue for DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  1615. Extraction of DNA from mouse embryos (1-3mm) - (reply: 1)
  1616. Alkaline lysis for pBR322 - Chromosomal DNA in preparation (reply: 1)
  1617. Convert DNase units to weight - 2mg/ml from a 2U/ml solution (reply: 3)
  1618. No genomic DNA amplification - PCR problems (reply: 3)
  1619. Unsuccessfull DNA extraction - Extraction of Gram + bacteria (reply: 1)
  1620. restriction digestion - plant genomic DNA (reply: 2)
  1621. disappearing DNA - (reply: 2)
  1622. DNA plasmid extraction trouble - (reply: 1)
  1623. DNA quantification - How to quantify my PCR product before sequencing?? (reply: 8)
  1624. Checking DNA quality with 260:280 ratio - (reply: 1)
  1625. Plasmid DNA purification - DNA purification (reply: 7)
  1626. FTA DNA extraction Cotton - DNA extraction and kit (reply: 1)
  1627. Ancient DNA - Best way to extract ancient dna (reply: 3)
  1628. DNA hypo-methylation analysis - Check if a CpG island is hypomethylated (reply: 1)
  1629. qPCR Primer Design and Genomic DNA Amplification - (reply: 1)
  1630. Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit ? - Can anyone recommend a good one ? (reply: 4)
  1631. genomic DNA digest - (reply: 3)
  1632. can not find notI DNA sequence - looking for DNA sequence (reply: 3)
  1633. DNA recovery from agarose gel---help!!! - (reply: 2)
  1634. DNA:Protien Site-Specific Binding Determination - Requesting Information on the Subject (reply: 1)
  1635. DNA extraction - Is 2years ago extracted DNA still usable (reply: 2)
  1636. Genomic DNA amplification - (reply: 4)
  1637. DNA arrays for low gene expression ? - (reply: 1)
  1638. How to compare 20 DNA sequences together - (reply: 1)
  1639. Genomic DNA isolation - (reply: 2)
  1640. solubility of dna - the best method to dissolve dna (reply: 4)
  1641. 3'DNA biotinylation kit - (reply: 2)
  1642. Precipitation of DNA from CsCl samples - (reply: 1)
  1643. how to clean DNA>10KB? - (reply: 10)
  1644. Problem with PCR - Direct DNA extraction with PVP (reply: 8)
  1645. DNA binding proteins - (reply: 3)
  1646. Southern Blotting - transfering the DNA (reply: 1)
  1647. Phages - How to digest lambda DNA (reply: 1)
  1648. DNase treatment for RNA purification - (reply: 6)
  1649. DNA extraction from urine - Cant extract DNA from urine (reply: 2)
  1650. RNA and DNA extraction and PCR control - (reply: 1)
  1651. Largest viral insert? - How much DNA can be packaged? (reply: 1)
  1652. Cell Cycle/DNA/RNA Unanswered Questions - test questions involving genetic info (reply: 2)
  1653. bisulfite modification of dna for pcr - (reply: 1)
  1654. Diluting dried DNA - Diluting dried DNA (reply: 1)
  1655. about DNA isolation from blood clots - (reply: 2)
  1656. How to get DNA from about 40% sucrose? - How to get DNA from about 40% sucrose? (reply: 1)
  1657. DNA Extraction - ...from S. pyogenes (reply: 1)
  1658. DNA extraction from paraffin-embedded tissu - (reply: 2)
  1659. dna - (reply: 1)
  1660. Quantification of density of DNA bands - (reply: 3)
  1661. dna isolation - molecular biology (reply: 2)
  1662. genomic DNA isolation from mouse tail - (reply: 1)
  1663. In reference to low tm - I have smearing as well on a dna gel (reply: 2)
  1664. dna extraction - dna extraction (reply: 1)
  1665. DNA filter paper extraction - DNA filter paper extraction (reply: 1)
  1666. gDNA contamination in RT-PCR - (reply: 2)
  1667. DNA pooling - (reply: 1)
  1668. DNA Contamination in RNA? - PCR of RNA (reply: 1)
  1669. insert loss - DNA insert loss from genomic DNA library (reply: 1)
  1670. OD260 for DNA is minus! - (reply: 1)
  1671. Help! DNA contamination in RNA and RT-PCR. - (reply: 1)
  1672. DNA digestion time? - how long how many units (reply: 1)
  1673. Virus DNA - Where can i find purified virus DNA (reply: 2)
  1674. DNase,BrdU and GFP - (reply: 1)
  1675. Chloroplast DNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  1676. Stable Transfection of large DNAinto 293 cells - (reply: 1)
  1677. Genomic DNA isolation - (reply: 1)
  1678. dna extraction from hair - (reply: 1)
  1679. Apoptotic DNA - (reply: 1)
  1680. Ethidium bromide DNA gel staining - rapidly fading bands (reply: 1)
  1681. DNA array - (reply: 2)
  1682. DNA isolation from coagulated blood - (reply: 1)
  1683. DNA probe labeling -- whatworks? - (reply: 4)
  1684. DNA sequencing problem - (reply: 1)
  1685. single cell DNA isolation frommammalian cells - (reply: 4)
  1686. DNA extraction from avian blood - (reply: 1)
  1687. Plasmid DNA extraction - Extracted plasmid cannot be seen in agarose gel (reply: 9)
  1688. tomato DNA for PCR template - (reply: 1)
  1689. dna extraction from hair - (reply: 1)
  1690. tomato DNA for PCR - (reply: 1)
  1691. DNA extraction from formalinfixed tissue - (reply: 2)
  1692. electrophoresis resolution - separate DNA of similar size - (reply: 10)
  1693. How to obtain VIRAL DNA frompurified virus prepation - (reply: 1)
  1694. DNA extraction from Mycobacterium tuberculosis - (reply: 1)
  1695. DNA extraction from blood - Gelatinous material in aqeous phase (reply: 2)
  1696. DNA from sera - isolation of genomic DNA from platoregistry human sera (reply: 1)
  1697. DIG  DNA probe labelling kit - (reply: 2)
  1698. Recover DNA from gel - How to increase the efficiency of DNA recovery (reply: 2)
  1699. Difficult PCR amplification of 4kb genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
  1700. bacteria genome DNA extraction - (reply: 3)
  1701. Gel-Extraction of DNA - (reply: 3)
  1702. Need protocol for DNA shuffling - (reply: 1)
  1703. DNA extraction from plants - DNA extraction from embryogenic callus of larch and spruce (reply: 1)
  1704. Stubborn piece of DNA to sequence - Sequencing question (reply: 2)
  1705. genomic and fragmented DNAextraction from human  cells.  Ple - (reply: 1)
  1706. DNA - (reply: 2)
  1707. DNA precipitation by EtOH &centrifuge - (reply: 4)
  1708. Extraction of DNA from streptococcus - How can I extract DNA from streptococcus (reply: 2)
  1709. DNA contamination in protein sample - DNA contamination (reply: 2)
  1710. Role of TRIS in DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  1711. Old trick for DNA extr. after PAGE - (reply: 3)
  1712. Bacterial lysis for DNA extraction - (reply: 2)
  1713. Need to purify total RNA sample(contaminated with DNA) - (reply: 4)
  1714. Increase DNA yield with glycogen - (reply: 2)
  1715. DNA extraction from - (reply: 6)
  1716. quandries on Genomic DNA purification - troubleshooting (reply: 5)
  1717. Who can help me? - DNA extraction from chicken blood (reply: 6)
  1718. DNA extraction - when there are a lot contaminants (reply: 1)
  1719. how to extract genomic DNA fromfungi - (reply: 1)
  1720. DNA concentration - How to increase the DNA concentration (reply: 4)
  1721. kitchen chemistry dna extractionmethods- produce single or double stra - (reply: 1)
  1722. How can I distinguish exons fromgenomic DNA library??? - (reply: 1)
  1723. DNA isolation from Avian tissue - need suggestions on protocols (reply: 3)
  1724. chemical DNA denaturation - (reply: 1)
  1725. DNA pool - (reply: 1)
  1726. how to isolate single-stranded DNA from mammalian? - (reply: 1)
  1727. Genomic DNA isolation from semen - (reply: 1)
  1728. DNA ligation - (reply: 3)
  1729. Brdu for DNA synthesis - (reply: 1)
  1730. Met trouble in linking DNA!!!! - (reply: 2)
  1731. ligate 3 DNA fragments with sticky ends into Vector - (reply: 1)
  1732. DNA programming - (reply: 7)
  1733. Isolation DNA form oocyst of parasite - Molecular biology (reply: 1)
  1734. purifying supercoiled DNA? - trying to separate supercoiled from nicked (reply: 1)
  1735. RNA & DNA extractionprotocols - (reply: 2)
  1736. Chaotropic Salts for DNA Extraction - (reply: 2)
  1737. DNA extraction whithoutfenol/chloroform from bacteria - (reply: 1)
  1738. Genomic DNA from PBMC - (reply: 2)
  1739. protocol for fusarium DNAextraction - (reply: 1)
  1740. anybody isolating tomato DNA outthere????? - (reply: 1)
  1741. pcr on genomic dna ( tailsmouse), HELP !!!! - (reply: 2)
  1742. Genomic DNA isolation kit - (reply: 2)
  1743. DNA truncation - (reply: 1)
  1744. Test the quanlity of human DNA samples - (reply: 1)
  1745. how to isolate huge plasmid DNAfrom Pseudomonas putida - (reply: 2)
  1746. DNA extraction from boiled blood(urgent) - (reply: 1)
  1747. Plasmids purification - how to remove DNA contamination (reply: 3)
  1748. How to clone large DNA fragment into small vector! - (reply: 1)
  1749. Mitochondrial DNA PCR - PCR of mtDNA (reply: 1)
  1750. Plant DNA extraction - DNA extraction (reply: 5)
  1751. making radioactive DNA probesusing PCR - (reply: 1)
  1752. genomic dna - (reply: 1)
  1753. how to purify small fragment of DNA? - (reply: 2)
  1754. Problems in obtaining tree genomic DNA - (reply: 1)
  1755. amplifiable dna from bones - procedure for dna isolation from bones (reply: 4)
  1756. phantom band in DNA purification - A new band appears after purifying DNA from agarose gels (reply: 1)
  1757. DNA charge - (reply: 2)
  1758. DNA contamination in RNA preparation - (reply: 1)
  1759. how to get the target DNA - (reply: 1)
  1760. DNA extraction from plantmaterial in fecal samples - (reply: 1)
  1761. Problems with PCR Purification - When I try to purify my PCR product I lose all of my DNA? (reply: 4)
  1762. Amount of genomic DNA for PCRamplication - (reply: 1)
  1763. Actinomycetes genomic DNA isolation. - (reply: 1)
  1764. DNA crosslinking - (reply: 3)
  1765. Why are the"ingredients" in DNA extraction necessary? - (reply: 8)
  1766. DNA/RNA extraction from formalin fixed tissues - (reply: 1)
  1767. As is it long save DNA insamples of environmental? - (reply: 2)