siRNA + DNA transfection - (Apr/25/2007 )
I need to carry out a luciferase assay in previuously siRNA-transfected cells. First, I'd have to transfect cells with siRNA (using Lipofectamine 2000) and then I would have to transfect luciferase and renile constructs (using Lipofectamine + Plus Reagent). That is what works best in my experimental conditions.... My question is: Are my cells going to suffer a "big-bang" owing to so much transfection???? What could I do?
Thank you for your help!
Hi yarince,
The proposed transfection should not be a problem to many commonly used cells. I have done simutaneouse siRNA and DNA transfection using lipofectamine and staggering transfections as well but in the reverse order of yours. I first transfected DNA using lipofectamine + plus, the 2nd day, I passed the cells and did siRNA transfection using lipofectamine 2k. The cells tolearated well the transfection. Cells I used are cancer cell lines.
Hope that helps.
Thank you pcrman!!!
I'll try next week your advices...
I need to carry out a luciferase assay in previuously siRNA-transfected cells. First, I'd have to transfect cells with siRNA (using Lipofectamine 2000) and then I would have to transfect luciferase and renile constructs (using Lipofectamine + Plus Reagent). That is what works best in my experimental conditions.... My question is: Are my cells going to suffer a "big-bang" owing to so much transfection???? What could I do?
Thank you for your help!
Hi Yarince,
I have transfected simultaneously SiRNA and DNA onto A549 cells, but I obtained better results with DreamFect Gold as compared as Lipofectamine 2000. Moreover, I didn't have any toxicity. Actually, DreamFect Gold / DNA and DreamFect Gold / siRNA complexes were prepared separately in 2 different tubes and then the two solutions were combined before being their addition directly to the cells.