RNA & DNA extractionprotocols - (Aug/29/2001 )
I think you must choose boom' method or another which use silica particle.because RNA and DNA will attach and when eluteDNA or RNA can't lose in solution buffer .and simplicity.
I 'd like to know the different methods to extract DNA & RNA simultaneously. Can I use Boom methods (absorbance acid nucleic on Silica) or Phenol - Chloroform with varying of pH of buffer (pH 4 for extraction RNA and pH 8 for extraction DNA) ?
I think that the best way to extract at the same time both RNA and DNA is to use anionic exchange resin system, instead of silica based system.With anionic exchange resin protocol, you will get higher quality nucleic acids.
Different kits are available on the market (Qiagen, D-Genos...), allowing you to save time.
A. Horvais