Interaction of Glucose with plasmid DNA - (Dec/11/2006 )
Hi all,
I am new to this forum. I hope, posting my question in right way. If not please tell me.
I am working with Polyplexes and for the preparation I use HEPES buffered glucose. I mix the plasmid with HEPES buffered glucose (glucose-5%) and further with my polymer PEI.
How far this glucose in the buffer may react with DNA ?
I come across in article that glucose may affect DNA confirmation. But I really need to know more about this. It may ultimately affect my polyplexes size.
Please if any body working with similar stuff, i would be happy to talk more with them.
Thank you
Glucose provides right osmatic pressure without using salts, as salt will cause aggregation of polyplex.
theoretically, glucose is a poly-OH molecule and therefore it can attract water molecules around it and lead to DNA precipitation by hydrophobic interactions...
Glucose can cause glycated end products, especially of protein material. I doubt, though, that the concentrations you are using will cause this.