DNA filter paper extraction - DNA filter paper extraction (Feb/06/2003 )
Does anyone know how to extract plasmid DNA from Whatman filter paper? A friend mailed me a plasmid this way and I dont' know how to extract it.
Thank you.
Two washes in TE buffer should be sufficient....
Never give up, Never surrender!
In most labs, refrigerator and freezer storage space are commodities as valuable as oceanfront real estate. Naturally, the death of one of these appliances incites nothing less than a panic, because all of those precious samples have to go someplace cold, and quickly. Now researchers can eliminate hours of worry and frustration with just a few minutes' work, using CloneSaver? 96 cards from Clifton, N.J.-based Whatman Bioscience . Used as either a primary or backup storage system, these cards address some of the major concerns of DNA labs: purity, refrigeration, space, and transport.
Launched in July of this year, the CloneSaver card allows users to store the equivalent of a 96-well plate of purified DNA, bacterial culture, glycerol stock, or resuspended colonies on an index card-sized sheet at room temperature for at least 30 months. Preparation of stabilized DNA from the card is quick and easy. There's no need to freeze samples and the card can be kept in a pouch for storage or for mailing without hazardous labeling.
Treated with FTA, a cell-lysing compound embedded in a solid matrix, the CloneSaver card immobilizes and isolates plasmid or BAC DNA (up to 200kb) within the card. According to Whatman, FTA technology has been shown to store stabilized genomic DNA for more than 10 years at ambient temperature. FTA inhibits bacterial growth and inactivates pathogens such as phage, limiting the potential for microbial or nuclease-induced degradation and contamination.
Each "well" on the gridded card stores up to five microliters of sample. The grid changes color when samples are applied so they are easily located. When ready, researchers can perform transformations or PCR directly from a punch, eliminating lengthy isolation and elution procedures. Depending upon punch size, a single well can produce up to four punches. A simple procedure involving two washes with TE buffer will recover the DNA in minutes if elution of the sample from the card is necessary. According to Karen Pierce of Whatman technical support, "... retrieval of sample is as easy as thawing glycerol." Transformation efficiencies are good, with no loss after 30 months storage at ambient temperature.
--Wendy Gloffke (wgloffke@aol.com)
For More Information
Whatman Inc
(800) 441-6555