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Analysis of DNA fingerprints-software - Image interpretation, bands size,... (Nov/20/2006 )

Hi all,
Can you recommend me either freeware or paid software for binary or quantitative analysis of DNA fingerprinting patterns such as RAPD and AFLP?



QUOTE (Myval @ Nov 20 2006, 02:46 PM)
Hi all,
Can you recommend me either freeware or paid software for binary or quantitative analysis of DNA fingerprinting patterns such as RAPD and AFLP?


Quantity One® from Biorad and Genotyper® by Applied Biosystem are two examples.
Quantity One comes as a part of every imaging system you purchase from the company.
You may also purchase it separately. There are other more sophisticated image analysis sofware from Bio-Rad.
I do not know about ABI if it's free or not


The most sophisticated program is Gelcompar 2 (, but not a low-price offer. Since there are so many programs have a look at . Its an exhausitive collection of available programs + description + links.
