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Smeary DNA band on agarose gel - (Oct/17/2006 )

What causes of band smear formation?

Thx !


could you precise your question?
what kind of gel, what kind of sample, running conditions, optionnaly you could also send a picture of your smeared bands.


more details please.


QUOTE (Missele @ Oct 17 2006, 04:05 PM)
could you precise your question?
what kind of gel, what kind of sample, running conditions, optionnaly you could also send a picture of your smeared bands.

Thanks for reminding.
It is 2% agarose gel, runs DNA (GM Food sample) at 110V for about 15 mins.
Sorry i can't show you a picture coz i don't have any in my computer.

Any more information provided is welcome.


sample degradation by DNase could result in a smear, or the presence of RNA also, if you forgot to treat with RNase.
If it's a degradation, you see a smear starting at your band of interest, and going down, but not on the top side of your band.


if its RNA, it would run at much lower range.

and for DNA, as missele suggested.
