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Need help in DNA extraction from petroleum - (Sep/26/2007 )

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for protocols for DNA extraction from microorganism in petroleum. Has anyone come across this type of DNA extraction? How can I isolate the microorganism from the petroleum prior for DNA extraction? Thank you very much.



QUOTE (haohao @ Sep 27 2007, 01:34 PM)
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for protocols for DNA extraction from microorganism in petroleum. Has anyone come across this type of DNA extraction? How can I isolate the microorganism from the petroleum prior for DNA extraction? Thank you very much.


Apart from centrifugation to try to pellet the cells, nothing springs to mind. What volume of petroleum are you trying to process? Is it very viscous? What sort of cell density are you expecting?


Hi Swanny,

Thanks for the reply. I have tried centrifugation to collect the bacteria or some other microorganism, which might present in the petroleum. The sample is quite viscous thus, making the centrifugation process difficult as some microbes might not be able to be centrifuged down nicely.




Another probable method would be to use a combination of both centrifugation and filtration to get the bacteria, if that's the source of DNA you're looking for. Since petroleum is quite viscous, centrifugation to get a cell pellet might not work, if the speed is not high enough... so filtration could be applied.



-BioWizard v0.0.1-