DNA Precipitaion - (Sep/16/2007 )
How to Precipitate the DNA, Short or quick protocol?????
short protocol :
add 1/10 volume of NaAcetate (stock solution at 3M and pH 5.5)
Add 3 volumes of cold 100% ethanol (-20 is ok, -80is better)
spin 30' at 4°
dicard supernatant
resuspend pellet in volume of 70% ethanol
spin 5' RT
dry 10' 37°
resuspend in tris 10mM pH 8, or water, or TE
but i'm wondering if it's this very know protocol you wanted... you surely meant sthg different
This one protocol is very famous but i was expecting some guys have some other protocol may be. But its good help of you for me.
add 1/10 volume of NaAcetate (stock solution at 3M and pH 5.5)
Add 3 volumes of cold 100% ethanol (-20 is ok, -80is better)
spin 30' at 4°
dicard supernatant
resuspend pellet in volume of 70% ethanol
spin 5' RT
dry 10' 37°
resuspend in tris 10mM pH 8, or water, or TE
but i'm wondering if it's this very know protocol you wanted...

ok different protocol :
butanol precipitaion.
doesn't need salts
better recovery
protocol : add butanol on your solution. The best the better basically.
ex for pelleting in 200µl of water, i complete with 500µl, voterxt readd 500µl and homogenize.
spin top speed for 3'
if you see 2 phases, upper is butanol, partially hyrated, lower is water.
discard upper phase and redo the process till the pellet forms. If you don't see phase, then respin your tube 5' to be sure pellet is well attached.