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How to dilute DNA ladder? - (Mar/25/2008 )

Just quick question to you guys
we normally purchase ready to use DNA-ladder, but this time we bought different one from Invitrogen

the ladder that I purhcased is from Invitrogen 100bp ladder #15628-019 (50ug of 1ug/ul)
it says stored -20C

my question is

Can I dilute entire solution and store (including lading dye) ?
How can I dilute ?
Should I store 4C or -20C if I dilute?

Thank you for your help!


I use to dilute it in loading dye (concentrated as you like) and it workes fine!



QUOTE (Rnotk @ Mar 25 2008, 03:53 PM)
Just quick question to you guys
we normally purchase ready to use DNA-ladder, but this time we bought different one from Invitrogen

the ladder that I purhcased is from Invitrogen 100bp ladder #15628-019 (50ug of 1ug/ul)
it says stored -20C

my question is

Can I dilute entire solution and store (including lading dye) ?
How can I dilute ?
Should I store 4C or -20C if I dilute?

Thank you for your help!

Not all ladders contain dye. If you only want to dilute your ladder that does not contain dye dilute it with milipore molecular grade sterile water and add dye just before use. I think, however, it works better if you first make a stock solution (taking into the account the subsequent increase in volume by the ladder) of loading dye - water in their recommented ratio (e.g. 5 : 1) and dilute your ladder in this.

Freeze thawing can be a worse threat for your ladder than storing it at 4oC. I would suggest to alliquot it and to store all the aliquots but one at -20oC. Use the last alliquot (store it at 4oC) for your gels and when it will get exhausted replace with one ogf the other alliquots.
