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Low genomic DNA - (Aug/18/2008 )

I used Qiagen DNeasy tissue kit to extract DNA from transgenic mice tail.I used the said amount of tail namely 0.6cm tail cut into 2 pieces as initial sample.My yield when i tested using Nanodrop was just 40ng/ul.Can i use 1 ul of this to do the PCR.


QUOTE (bactin2 @ Aug 18 2008, 11:18 PM)
I used Qiagen DNeasy tissue kit to extract DNA from transgenic mice tail.I used the said amount of tail namely 0.6cm tail cut into 2 pieces as initial sample.My yield when i tested using Nanodrop was just 40ng/ul.Can i use 1 ul of this to do the PCR.

of course you can.



You have a lot of DNA. When you use just 1uL of your DNA it means 40ng!!! It is too much. I use actually for 15 uL PCR-Product 8ng DNA.
I would normalize my DNA in the con. of 2ng/uL and use 4uL of it for PCR. (It is 8ng DNA)

