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how to determine DNA concentration.....when.......... - (Jun/01/2007 )

Hi to all
I want to know how to determine total dna concentration on agarose gel when dere is more than 2 or 3 bands in one lane....
we should do sum of all these bands while comparing with ladder or any other method....

plz help me..


If you have a standard of known concentration, you can estimate the wholde DNA concentration after about 2 minutes run time - the DNA will already have accessed the gel but the bands are still together.


I heard, that for succesfull quantification on gel (I mean just ladder with a defined weight, not dilutions of some standard) the bromphenol must be runned to at least 2/3 of gel length.
So that is not true?


One runs the gel for a certain amount of time so that all the bands of the ladder are separated and it easier to quantify the sample band.


QUOTE (krümelmonster @ Jun 1 2007, 03:22 AM)
If you have a standard of known concentration, you can estimate the wholde DNA concentration after about 2 minutes run time - the DNA will already have accessed the gel but the bands are still together.

good idea. usually i run for 20-30 mins and then sum up comparing with a standard

-T. reesei-

Thank you to all of u..............

