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Added DNTP solution to DNA by mistake - (Jul/06/2006 )

Can anyone help? I have just added DNTP solution to my extracted DNA instead of Nuclease free water. Is there anything I can do to retrieve my DNA?


EtOH or i-PrOH should work. Nucleotides are too small to be precipitated so should remain in solution and you can remove them with the supernatant.

Another possibility is to use Qiagen's Nucleotide Removal Kit. Wonder what that does...? smile.gif

Hooray for spin column technology!


QUOTE (sponge @ Jul 6 2006, 10:59 PM)
Can anyone help? I have just added DNTP solution to my extracted DNA instead of Nuclease free water. Is there anything I can do to retrieve my DNA?

If you're going to do PCR, you have just savedd yourself one reagent addition... tongue.gif laugh.gif


not necessarily blink.gif

dNTPs have to be added in the proper concentration or you will have all sorts of problems...the Mg++ and dNTPs are supposed to be in the right proportion to each other

I think it would be easier to take the dNTPs out and re-add them later for PCR
