DNA extraction from urine - Cant extract DNA from urine (Apr/22/2004 )
Does anyone have expereince of extracting DNA from urine? I am having problems with this. I have previously extracted the DNA but then it degraded very quickly and since then I havent even been able to extract DNA. I have been using a Qiagen extraction kit that is suitable for urine. without any success. Can anyone help?
Urine must always be charged with 15 ug/ml proteinaseK to prevent destruction of DNA by lurking nucleases. It can be removed with phenol later.
hi dear
i have also tried to extrct DNA from using the qiagen midi column to some extent i got sucssess but my product degraded after one week
on the very fist hour after extrction i cheked DNA on gel it showed very light band t after one week i repeated the same electrophoresis bu no band observed althoug the DNA was stored in proper condition
can u please let me kno hw u r approaching the sample
then may be i can help u
al the best