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Genomic DNA isolation - (May/30/2002 )

I am seeking for the best kit for the small-scale isolation of total DNA from actinomycetes (mainly Streptomyces) for the purpose of restriction analysis, blotting, PCR, cloning.  (Need to isolate DNA from numerous strains - environmental samples).


Maybe this helps:
Association of Myosin Immunoanalogue with Cell Envelopes of Aspergillus fumigatus Conidia

7 x 108 were disrupted in 1ml PBS containing protease inhibitors in the MSK with cooling. The glass beads were removed, followed by centrifugation of the homogenate at 5,000 x g for 3 mins.
For these homogenizations the MSK was used with the cooling capillary and a mix of glass beads diam. 1 mm and 0.25 –0.3 mm.
Reference: R. Esnault, B. El Moudni, J.-P. Bouchara, D. Chabasse, G. Tronchin : Infection and Immunity 67 (3). 1238 – 1244 (1999)
The equipment is from B. Braun Biotech International, Germany (and Allentown PA)
