amplifiable dna from bones - procedure for dna isolation from bones (Jul/12/2002 )
does anyone have a reasonably successful protocol for isolating dna from bones---bones that are highly compromised in integrity---i.e., really bad shape? I've tried and am well seasoned in the traditional methods,e.g. sds pro K, salting out, PIC, silica/chaotropic , qiagen, zymo, ect. Sometimes these things work and sometimes they don't. Surely there is a protocol that works sucessfully most of the time. Thank you
Actually, the company I work for (Gentra) did some DNA purifications from ancient bone samples using the PUREGENE kit. If you want, I can send you the paper on this (I think that it is still in press) for you to look over. Please email me at if you are interested and I can send it to you.
get yourself this months Euro edition of Biotechniques ( a free really nice journal), you can also get it online for free as well (do a google search for biotechniques). In there they have an article on DNA extraction from bones from musem specimens. Ideal for what you want i reckon.
opps forgot the citation:
BioTechniques 30:732-736 (2001)
Good luck.
sbidw had a great idea there! You can also find it in the U.S. version of BioTechniques. That citation is 22:402 (1997).