DNA contamination in microRNA sample - How to remove the genomic DNA from microRNA sample? (May/08/2007 )
Dear all,
I used the miRNeasy mini kit to prepare the microRNA. However, I found DNA contamination occured in my microRNA sample. How can I remove the DNA? Would you kindly to give me a protocol for the removal of DNA from microRNA?
Thank you very much!!!!!
use turbo free DNAse from ambion. It's amazing. I use it for my RNA preparations checked on agilent and it's reliable.
NB : no financial intereest in it
Yea, agreed with fred_33. Use Dnase to remove any trace of DNA. Then you have to clean that up. Phenol chloroform method?
Dear fred_33 and timjim,
Thank you so much!!!!!
I still have a question: How to purify the miRNA after the DNase digestion?
Many thx!!!
turbo DNAse is sold as enzyme linked to agarose beads.
so assuming a 60µl reaction volume, i pellet the beads by spinning and pipett 50µl (55 if the sample is REALLY low concentrated or REALLY needed).
Don't pipett more than 50 if you wanna perform RTPCR
Thank you so much!!!!!
I still have a question: How to purify the miRNA after the DNase digestion?
Many thx!!!
I am not too sure how to purify miRNA after the digestion. You might need some extra or extensive protocol to do it.
I dealed with normal mRNA, that's why I just use the normal phenol chloroform method.