DNA disappeared after ligation - (Oct/09/2007 )
I have completely digested vector and insert DNA with ApaI and EcoRI. Vector is from T-vector and insert from one plasmid of my lab. And extracted the fragments by agrose gel.
I think there is no problem with the digestion and extraction, I checked DNA concentration by gel after extraction, the concentration seems good, and they are around 20-30ng/ul.
And I calculated the DNA ends ratio according to this website
I used Invitrogen T4 DNA ligase, 14 degree O/N. then did heat shock transformation, the competent cell is DH5a, the result is no any clone. I tried many insert vector ratio and all failed finally.
so I checked my ligation reactions after ligation by gel, It is weird I can not see any DNA on gel after ligation, I run insert DNA, vector DNA and DNA ladder as control, they all seems good, I am sure the DNA amount I added in the ligation, it is more than 50ng, it can not believe that I can not see anything on gel after ligation. Where is my DNA after ligation? It is my question.
And I also did a TA clone ligation, I can see the higher band than insert and vector on gel after ligation and can get pretty good clones on plate. so why I can not get any DNA band after ligation that I got vector myself not from kit. Even I lost DNA I added into the ligation reaction.
I will appreciate your help. Thanks!
I've found it essential to heat kill the ligase before running ligation product gels. Otherwise, the ligase binds the DNA and you have a gel shift smear, which with only 50ng may well appear as if there is no DNA.
I've found it essential to heat kill the ligase before running ligation product gels. Otherwise, the ligase binds the DNA and you have a gel shift smear, which with only 50ng may well appear as if there is no DNA.