Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Kit ? - Can anyone recommend a good one ? (Aug/23/2004 )
Hi I need to extract genomic DNA from plant
Organism : Chilli aka Hot pepper , Capsicuum annum
Downstream applications : PCR , Inverse PCR and Digesting , Sequencing
Sample size : approx. 1g or less
Any advice on what kit should i use (Which company ?) ...
Thanks in advance
"Nucleon Phyto Pure" from Amersham Bioscience
gives me allways very nice amounts and good DNA quality
Qiagen products also work well for plant DNA purification.
Be sure you try to use softer leaves (younger) that will provide better yields.
Our lab used both (Amersham and Qiagen) as kits for Capsicum annuum DNA purifications, both worked well. Also CTAB protocol and Dellaporta et al work fine. Depends on your access to kits.
Good luck !
Qiagen works very well here.
Thanks a lot everyone