Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
for mankind
Great Leap Forward
hmm, now you're overestimating my power...we just both enjoy laughing about those wimps....a bokbokbok scene
for Chinese
a fortune cookie
....so it's also a demented spider...
hey LaRa....how's the puppy and don't show it to dr H's Spidey...
"Get ready! Good fortune comes in bunches. "
nope, it's memory capacity is similar to a 80s computer
bunch of grapes
LOL, the puppy is driving me crazy. I have to keep interrupting my posting, er, lab work, to take him out to potty. And he is constantly nudging me and licking me and wiggling...unlike my dignified (and NOT EVIL) cat, who demurely waits for me to acknowledge her.
Thanks for asking.
grapes of wrath
and we shall continue this potty discussion later, Lara...I've to go now...so long mes amis...and esp to you my darling grumpy old dude, dr H .....have a good evening,......
good night then SOCD...enjoy yours too...
G'morning folks
good morning, LiL.
Battlestar Galactica
- hows that for geeky!
Hows you?