Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
nope buddy, m not pretending my weekend starts only on saturday late evenings....
work culture is different here
crow pheasant
Good for u.....My weekends used to be the same too...But I have a forced 2 day weekend here which I am really not enjoying I spend a saturday thinking how to kill time on sunday
I love that work culture...I had alternate 2 day weekends..back then I wanted a 5 day week, Now I have it, but I don't want it anymore....Is this the phenomenon of 'akkare pacha' ??
yeah, i know....must b quite depressing.........hv some frnds in europe, they 2 complain about d same.......no indians, there???
right, akkare pachha....... but i like it this way........
There are, but the people whom you would like to spend time with are either busy with their work or their family..Then the rest are the nerdy ones in which case I would better choose to be alone
Even I like it that way..this is madness 'coz it would be tuesday or wednesday when u start ur work and in next 2 days you are hit by next weekend
critical index
or was it critical angle???........yeah, critical angle it is.........nyway, i won't change the word
I guess it was critical angle
hey guys....hi GG.......best day of the work week.......hey, where did everyone go......oh well, cheers...
hey casey, how are u?
The active people are all gone as night fell in their side of the earth !!
yeah, the best day of the week and cheers in sometime