Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
bed springs
Wow it is getting close- have you started packing yet?
I"ve had my abstract accepted for a poster - so big relief there, so much less stress than a talk
bed knobs
you know, i actually have started thinking about what to pack.
hmm, how to take my cds over...how many shoes do i actually wear? all fun and games.
yay, a poster!! i actually prefer to speak... i get caught up in trying to make the poster with the right background etc etc, but a talk i can get out of the way.
and broomsticks
I guess it must be pretty expensive to ship from Australia.. I had to pack in winter coats and things which took up alot of space, and books and CDs, although my parents sent me CDs and things every so often.
its true posters can be fiddly, but I already have one so it just needs tweeking for this meeting. and here, they make you rehearse and rehearse in front of the whole department which is more stressful than the actual meeting sometimes...
banana sticks
Good morning, guys.
Moving to netherland, eh. I hope U get a peaceful neighbourhood. If U figure out that U r in a noisy one after U made a contract, it sucks.
Congratulations for poster, LiL-3. Me too preparing for a presentation next week and rehearsal is tomorrow morning. same rules like always, talk slowly, have what U speak also written on the slides, etc etc that makes everything easy.
Banana leaf
back on the banana theme again?
G'luck for your presentation NAbisan, sounds like you're an expert already
Walt Disney
I'm going to try to fit what i need into a suitcase.
my cds (i think), i think i'll toss the cases from most of them, and put the actual disk into a storage thingy, which is quite small.
i don't wear that much clothing... ok, that sounds a bit wrong. but, all i wear are jeans (that actually need to be replaced), and t-shirts. so, that won't take up too much space. winter coats... i have 1, which i'll wear on the plane. it's so hot here that i never needed to buy much stuff, so i'll buy the winter stuff over there. shoes, i wear sneakers most of the time, and the one pair of heels won't take up that much room. laptop in the carry bag... i don't have much stuff.
books... i think i'll donate most of them to charity.
it's so sad, i don't have much stuff.
eating on a banana leaf
yeah, done the same drill so many times but have not perfected it yet and this is prolly the second last time I will be doing this . . or is the third.... mmm, no fourth.
finger food
V- I wish I was like you, I'm a magpie. Japan sucks for clothes sizes for me, so I had to bring these things- though now I have discovered the handy international shipping clothes sites. I spent alot of time uploading some of my CDs onto itunes before coming, but still not enough space.
Sounds like you'll be all good for the suitcase- check your limits though, I had to pay a big extra luggage charge because flights to Japan from europe have a 20kg limit if you're economy not 32 like I had thought
Nabisan- no worries then, you can do it in your sleep almost
i used to be a hoarder... and then i moved to my new house, and there is no space for anything.
i travelled around europe last year with only a carryon. so much fun. every photo i'm in 1 outfit.
oh photos... i'll have to scan those.
I wish I could do that- I have good intentions then my "be prepared" brain kicks in and I pack too much