Words, Words, Words - it's only words (Jul/21/2009 )
PI, really soon...must prepare for Moanday......a pity that a day only has 24 hours but I do need my royal beauty sleep...and BB-san, of course I know Dhansak curries- they're the ones with the pulses, right? but I don't think that they're the most popular Indian food here in Canucka country...I still think it's the Tandoori chicken...
red light
O. it must be a single Canadian who is big fan of it. But, I even went asking Indian curry shops here . . no one has ever heard of it. Wanted to try and see what they are. How sad! Tandoori are the bbq, right? how about curries and naan?
Hey nabi dhansak are like parsi dish... they are good.. but not so famous as casey says.. parsi is a caste here... curries and non rock.. in fact punjabi food is great..
square metres
well, that much I figured out from Wiki also and have the recipe also . . but still have no idea what it is about. I am not sure if Iever had any Punjabi food either.
yup, I guess so......They come as a variety of dishes depending on what's in them- chicken/lamb dhansak, dhansak rice or completely vegetarian etc. For curries, I guess, we also just lump them accdg to what's in them (easier that way
)...and for breads, it would be a toss-up between naan and paratha...or whatever it is your friend didn't choose
ok guys...have a good rest of your Moanday...oyasuminasai...
saw seven pounds and 1408 yesterday.. 1408 was pathetic 7 pounds is nice!!!
we should have a separate thread for movies and their grading. Much easier to follow